“Do I gotta remind you who you belong to, Angel?”


“Not playin’ with you, babe.”

“No. I know who I belong to.”

“You want a trip to Vegas, all you had to do was ask. I can swing it, it’s yours. What you do not do, babe, is sneak off behind my back.”

“Cole, it was just a girl’s weekend.”

“Then I put some guys on you.”


“Prospects. Brothers. Whoever I have to, to keep you safe.”

“We were perfectly fine, Cole.”

“You forget how easily a drink can be dosed? Huh, Mama, you forget? Only takes your back to be turned for a second for something to be slipped into your drink. They get you alone—cut you off from the group, you’re fucked. You forget that happened to you? You forget where I found you?”

“No, Cole. I’ll never forget.” She looked at her feet. He lifted her chin with a finger.

“I’m not makin’ this point to bring up bad memories. I’m makin’ this point to make you understand. None of that would happen if you got my boys covering you. Watching you.”

“Cole, I’m sorry.”

“Babe, I know you’re sorry, but I’m still pissed. You’re lucky you texted me. If I’d have gotten back to San Jose…and found you gone…”

Angel’s eyes filled with tears.

“Cryin’ ain’t gonna save you this time, Mama.”

She closed the space between them, pressing against him, her mouth brushing his softly, hesitantly. Almost as if she were asking for permission, persuading him to open for her. And he did. His body remained stiff, unyielding, but she kept on until suddenly she felt her back hit the wall as he trapped her against it.

“I’m still pissed, Angel.”

“I know.” She pulled his head back down to hers and replied between kisses, “Let me make it up to you.”

“Oh, you will definitely be making it up to me. You may be making this up to me until Christmas, sweetheart.


Crystal had watched the little trail of men heading into the hotel, and then her eyes swung back to Wolf. He glanced over to see Green was occupied before his eyes returned to her.

“How are you Wolf?” He didn’t respond, and she watched him move toward her to stand at the foot of her chaise. His hands in the hip pockets of his low slung jeans. Nothing under his cut but a short-sleeved black S&S Carburetor tee that revealed his muscular tanned biceps. He had on a pair of dark sunglasses, but she could still tell when his eyes slid over her body, and she never felt so exposed, lying there in her little black string bikini. Finally, his eyes returned to her face.

“Let’s go to your room.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“We need to talk. Don’t think you want me sayin’ what I’ve got to say to you, here.” He lifted his chin, indicating the pool area and all the sunbathers who right now had nothing more entertaining to do than watch the show the out-of-place bikers were putting on. Since Cole, Crash and Red Dog were gone, their attention had turned to Wolf and Green.

She swallowed. “We have nothing to talk about.”

He pushed his sunglasses up on his head. “Seriously?”