Wolf looked over at Red Dog, frowning at the look on his face. “You okay brother?”

Dog turned away, growling, “Shit like this makes my eye twitch! Leave me alone.”

Mack continued to laugh until his cell chimed an incoming text, and the shit-eating grin on his face faded. He whipped his phone out, read the text and growled, “Goddamn it!”

“What was that you were saying, Mack? Something about not being able to control an ol’ lady?” Wolf taunted with a grin.

“Shut up, Wolf. Thank your lucky stars you don’t have one.” Mack ran his hand down his face and growled. “I can’t believe this. Natalie told me she was painting the hallway this weekend.”

“You sure she didn’t say painting the town this weekend?” Wolf continued to torment.

Crash looked at Cole. “Women are such better liar’s than us.”

Cole growled back. “They don’t lie better, they just lie so much bigger.”

Red Dog added, “Yeah. A man’s lie is like ‘I was at Joe’s house’. A woman’s lie is like ‘It’s your baby’.”

Wolf chuckled.

Crash grinned over at him. “I wouldn’t be so quick to laugh, Wolf. Crystal’s with them.”

Wolf’s smile disappeared.

Mack threw his leg over his bike and lifted it off the kickstand, growling, “All the shit we got going down right now and they pull this stunt? Wait till I get my hands on that woman. Let’s go.”

“Where? Back to San Jose?” Green asked as he walked out with an armful of assorted snacks.

“No, dumbass. Vegas.”

“Vegas? We’re really going to Vegas? Ooow, slots! I’m in!” Green tossed the snacks to the ground and jumped on his bike.

“How far is it?” Mack growled at his VP.

Cole was already pulling it up on his phone. “From here—close to three hundred miles.” He slid his phone in his pocket. “We can be there in about four hours.”

They all mounted up, firing their bikes up and a moment later, they roared out onto the street, one hoard of angry, pissed-off bikers.


Shannon reclined on the chaise by the pool at the swank hotel in Vegas that she’d booked for them. She flipped from her back to her stomach adjusting her sunglasses and looking over at the other girls. Crystal was to her left. Angel was to her right, Natalie the next chaise over and Mary’s chaise was empty. She lifted her head to scan the pool and saw the petite Asian beauty in the water, standing waist deep in the shallow end. She had her back to a man, her hand pulling her waist-length silky dark hair to the side as she twisted to look over her shoulder at the man who was admiring her full back tattoo. It really was beautiful artwork. A stunning peacock surrounded by flowers, its long tail curving down her hip. The gorgeous hunk in the pool lifted his hand to trail a finger down her spine, smiling at her. Red Dog would flip his shit if he saw that. But Shannon knew Mary was just flirting. She only had eyes for her big red-headed Viking.

“Your drinks, ladies.”

Shannon looked up to see a bare-chested waiter with a tray of drinks standing behind their chaise between her and Angel. Her eyes, hidden behind her shades, skated over his muscular body as he began taking the drinks from the tray and setting them down on the small table between them. She smiled. The perks of staying at a five star hotel, they certainly thought of everything, even gorgeous eye-candy waiters.

Just as she was reaching for her Appletini, Shannon heard booted feet behind her and saw the waiter’s eyes widen as he looked at something behind her.

“Beat it,” she heard in a deep growly voice coming from behind her.

The poor boy lifted his empty tray in front of his chest, as if that would be any protection, and stepped hastily back.

Shannon saw Angel’s eyes widen as she pulled her own sunglasses off and looked beyond Shannon, murmuring under her breath, “Oh, crap.”

Before Shannon could twist to look behind her, she felt a sharp slap on her bare cheek, revealed beneath the skimpy bikini she had on. And then a weight against her hip as someone sat on the edge of the chaise with her.

She twisted to look over her shoulder to see Crash’s big body. His hand now slowly rubbing over the skin he’d just smacked with his palm, and a grin pulling at the corner of his mouth.

“Hello, Princess.”