Crystal looked at Dog, and then smiled. “You’re right, Dog. I should do something about it.”

She saw the curious look in Dog’s eyes as he watched her plunge her hand in the tub of ice, pull out a bottle of beer, then throw the hinged end of the bar top up and walk around out from behind the bar. She saw him out of the corner of her eye as he twisted with a frown, following her with his eyes. He was probably going to be real surprised when he saw what she was about to do, because she had a feeling it wasn’t what he’d meant, at all. And she also knew there’d be hell to pay, but right now she was an emotional, hormonal wreck, and she just didn’t give a fuck anymore.

She made her way through the crowd. Wolf was now off by the pool table talking to Cajun, while Misty was standing off by the jukebox, looking bored and too above it all.

Crystal walked right up to her, taking in her trashy outfit, a short halter mini dress in bubblegum pink with a plunging neckline that went all the way to her navel. The little tramp.

Misty noticed Crystal coming toward her, and Crystal sure as hell didn’t like the way she looked her up and down like she wasn’t worth her time. Think again, bitch.

“Would you like a beer?” Crystal asked, holding out the bottle.

“I don’t drink beer,” Misty said with distain.

“Aw, that’s too bad because I’ve got a cold one right here just for you.” Then she twisted the cap off the beer, shook it and sprayed it all over Misty, who shrieked her lungs out. Crystal had a moment’s satisfaction watching Misty’s big hair dripping with beer, and her makeup running down her face.

“You little bitch!” Misty shrieked, holding her arms in front of her trying to fend off the worst.

Crystal continued to spray her, until suddenly two strong arms locked around her waist and dragged her back. Cole’s voice growled in her ear.

“That’s enough, Crystal. Goddamn it.”

Crash grabbed the bottle out of her hand. “Damn, girl.”

“You bitch!” Misty shrieked again, and Green got in front of her as she tried to rush Crystal, claws ready to scratch her eyes out.

“Whoa there, babe. Back off,” Green barked, his hand in her chest, pushing her back.

Cole squeezed Crystal, giving he

r a little shake. “Don’t suppose I even have to ask, but what the fuck, babe? You know better than this. This shit does not fly. Not in our goddamn clubhouse. You hear me?”

She nodded.

“I mean it, Crystal. You want to take her out, have at her. But it won’t be goin’ down on Dead fucking property. We clear?”

“Yes, Cole. We’re clear,” Crystal replied tightly.


Wolf was at the pool table talking with Cajun when all the shit went down. One minute everything was chill, the next all hell broke loose. Looking over, he was shocked to see Crystal smack dab in the middle of it. Crystal hosing down Misty with a bottle of beer. Jesus H. Christ.

Before he could shove his way through the wall of leather clad brothers to get to them, Cole had Crystal in a chest lock from behind, and by the look on his face as he bent his head to her ear he was reading her the riot act.


As Wolf shouldered his way through the crowd, his eyes focused on the hold Cole had on Crystal, and a shot of pure adrenaline zapped through him. And suddenly he was filled with the overwhelming feeling of wanting to tear his VP apart for putting his hands on her like that.

He glanced to the left and saw Green restraining Misty. Misty, who was now drenched in beer and stinking like a brewery. If the situation wasn’t so fucked up, he’d have a hard time holding back his laughter, something his brothers apparently weren’t having a problem with as they were all now laughing their asses off. Every one of them except Cole and Crash, who knew just how fucked up this situation truly was.

When Wolf stepped between the women, it was Crystal who had all his attention. He glared at her, his temper flaring. Then his eyes lifted over her head to Cole. Cole, who looked ready to tear him a new one. Cole, who knew exactly who was really to blame for this shit. Cole, who rightfully held him one hundred percent responsible.

“You and I need to have a talk,” Cole ground out.

Wolf nodded once and bit out, “Let her go.”

Cole stared him down. “You want to say that again?”

Wolf swallowed his anger. “Let me talk to her a minute, VP.”