Page 115 of Wolf (Evil Dead MC 4)

“What shit?” Cole asked, frowning. This was news to him.

“Rumors mostly. Nothing I can confirm or pin down. But they had some kind of agenda this week. They’ve been all over town this rally. Not just making their presence known, it was almost as if they were hunting something or someone.”

Cole nodded. They had been acting odd. Not in their usual way. What the fuck was up with that? “So, who’s missing? What’s his name?”


Cole nodded. He’d met Ghost the last time he was in Birmingham, and again at the campsite at the beginning of the week. He was a good man. “You want some of my guys to help you find him?”

“Naw. He’ll turn up. Keep me in the loop on Wolf, yeah?”

Cole nodded. “Will do.”

Shades and his guys left.

As they moved down the hall, they passed Red Dog and Green walking in.

Cole’s eyes connected with them as they approached him. His eyes swung down the hall to make sure the officers were still occupied, before he turned back to ask in a hushed voice, “Everything go okay?”

Dog nodded. “Found something.”

Cole frowned wondering what the hell else could go wrong. “Yeah? What’s that?”

Dog held out his fist, obviously holding something that he wanted Cole to reach out and take. Cold extended his hand, palm up, half-afraid at what Dog was about to drop into it.

Dog opened his fist and something cold and metallic fell into Cole’s waiting palm. He looked down.

Two silver rings. Two Evil Dead rings. The two rings that were missing off Digger and Weed’s bodies.

Holy fuck.

Cole’s eyes darted up to bore into Dog’s. “Where the hell did you find these?”

Red Dog’s brows rose meaningfully as he delivered the news. “Pocket of Taz’s cut.”

“That son-of-a-bitch,” Cole hissed, trying to contain his rage in the quiet hospital waiting room.

“Exactly. Makes me want to dig him up and kill him all over again.”

Cole quickly shoved the rings in his pocket, glancing again toward the officers.

“You think the DK’s put out that hit?” Green asked quietly.

Cole shook his head. “Doubt it. Big Ed was by earlier to pay his respects. He and Mack seemed cool. I hinted around about Taz. His reaction? Seemed to me, he was fed up with Taz. Said he was starting to become more trouble than he was worth.”

“They gonna have a problem when he disappears? I mean, just because he’s not his Chapter President’s favorite no more, doesn’t mean the rest of his brothers don’t care.”

Cole shrugged. “To tell the truth, I don’t give a fuck. It becomes a problem, we’ll deal with it, won’t we?”

“Damn straight,” Green agreed with a grin, rubbing his palms together. “Wouldn’t mind nailing a few more DK cuts to our wall. Something new to throw darts at.”

A moment later, several more men walked in, but they weren’t bikers. It was Jameson O’Rourke and his crew. And the man looked upset. He came to a stop, and the eyes of every brother in the room fell on him. He was quite the super star to this crew. A real rock star at what he did. The king of ink. And more than a few of his guys were in awe of being in the presence of such greatness.

O’Rourke’s eyes scanned the room, until they fell on Crystal, and then they lifted to Cole. “Thank God. She okay?”

“She’s fine. One of my guys was hurt.”

“The one called Wolf?” he surprised Cole by asking.