DKs. The Devil Kings. They were here. Why in God’s name were they here? Had they found her? Had they tracked her down? Would the MC give her away? Would they turn her over to them?

Or was she overreacting? Were they here for some other reason? Were they here to join the party? Were the Evil Dead and the DKs friendly? Would they come inside?

If they came inside, if they saw her, then what? Her mind immediately went to an escape plan. She had to run. She had to get out of here.

But she couldn’t move.

She stood there like a statue and watched.

She saw a number of club members standing at the gate now, Butcher and some of the older members among them. Their broad shoulders and leather cuts forming an imposing line, an impressive show of strength and force.

She saw Shades and Ghost make their way through the crowd toward them. Shades pushed his way toward the front. There was an exchange between Butcher and one of the DKs. They talked for a few minutes

And then her mind started going to all those dark, suspicious places. What were they doing here? Why were they even in town? This wasn’t their territory. She knew that much. She was certain of it. It was one of the main reasons she’d come here.

She saw Shades and Ghost heading back toward the house.

Shades eyes flicked up toward the window momentarily. She wasn’t sure, with the curtain drawn if he could even see her. He continued walking toward the house. A man with a purpose. And he didn’t look too happy.

A moment later, the door opened and she turned.

Shades and Ghost strode in.

Shades looked furious as he slammed the door shut and stalked to her.

“You want to tell me why the fucking DKs are at the gate looking for you?”

She tried to play dumb, too afraid to admit the truth. “Me? Why would they be looking for me? That’s crazy.” She turned away, fiddling with the curtain.

Shades grabbed her arm and spun her around and bit out, “If I were you, I’d get serious real fast, Skylar.”


nbsp; ****

Shades studied Skylar’s reaction. She was hiding something. Apparently something huge if the Devil Kings MC were searching for her.

What the hell had she gotten herself into?

When he’d heard the words come out of that DK’s mouth as he talked to Butcher, when he heard the purpose of their visit today, he was stunned speechless. He’d froze in his boots.

Butcher, thank God, had played it cool, acting nonchalant, pretending he didn’t have a clue who this chick was that they were hunting. His brothers, like he knew they would, kept their mouths shut and followed Butcher’s lead. But Shades hadn’t missed the looks both Boot and Slick had given him or the subtle nod of Slick’s head that told him without words to get the fuck inside and talk to Skylar. Which is what he was doing now.

“You heard me,” he bit out. She looked panicked and Shades’ anxiety went through the roof. What the hell was she involved in? “You want to tell me where you’ve been the last ten years?”

“I’ve been in Atlanta, I told you that.”

“In Atlanta doing what?”

“Working in a law office.”

“Working in a law office?”


“And how does that put you anywhere near the Devil Kings? How would you even cross paths?”

“Six months ago I…” She paused, swallowing.