“Need another?”

“No. Just tell me.”

“Undertaker was seeing some girl when he got sent up to Angola. There was a baby. He ended up doing eleven years. When he got out and he couldn’t find them, he lost his shit. Way he tells it, he searched. I’m not sure how hard or how long. All the pieces fit. It’s possible Skylar’s mom is the girl he was seeing, and Skylar was that baby.”

“So, he’s on his way here?”

Butcher shook his head. “He can’t leave right now. Too much shit goin’ down with the Death Heads MC. He’s dealin’ with the same problems we got. They’re trying to push into their territory in Louisiana from Texas, just like they’re trying to push into the Alabama Gulf Coast from Florida.”

“And he can’t take time to figure this out? A lead on his long-lost kid comes up, and he can’t be bothered?”

“Settle down, Shades. He was tore up when I told him. I’m the one that offered a solution to make it easier on him.”

“And what’s that?”

“You’re taking her down there to meet him.”

“I’m what?” Shades roared.

“You and Ghost are going to take her down there.”

Shades’ eyes darted to Ghost, who appeared to want no part of this, but he was a good soldier, and he would do what he was ordered to do. Shades’ eyes returned to Butcher.

“Take her down there? You’re joking, right?”

Butcher shook his head. “No, I’m not joking, Shades. You’re taking her down there to him. But you aren’t telling her why. If we’re wrong, if he doesn’t recognize her or this photo, then she never has to know.”

“And what reason would I have for taking her down there? What the fuck you want me to tell her?”

Butcher shrugged. “You gotta make a run, and you want her with you, it makes sense. You’d want to be protecting her from the Devil Kings, right? You wouldn’t leave her here, alone, unprotected. It’s a short run. A road-trip. You’ll have fun. Convince her. You two just got together. I wouldn’t think you takin’ off with her for a few days would be such a hardship.”

Shades listened to all of Butcher’s reasons.

Ghost looked down at Shades. “I’ll meet you and Skylar by the bikes, Brother.”

Then he walked out the door.

Shades ran a frustrated hand through his hair, scratched his scalp in aggravation and then looked back up at Butcher. “You expect us to leave now? Right now?”

“Sooner the better, Son. Get it over with. Plus it keeps her well away from the DKs reach.”

“For now.”

“Right. We’ll sort that fuckin’ mess when you get back.”

“If I get back.”

Butcher grinned. “Afraid Undertaker won’t accept you as a son-in-law?”

“One of us may kill the other before this is through.”

Butcher’s brows rose, and in all seriousness he growled, “I trust you to not let that happen. Either one.”

Shades stalked out into the main room of the clubhouse and approached the bar where Griz, who’d been tasked with keeping an eye on Skylar for him, sat drinking a beer. Only she wasn’t sitting next him where he’d left her.

“Where’s Skylar?” he snapped.

“She’s upstairs in the witness protection program. Her new name’s Bambi.” Griz grinned. When Shades didn’t crack a smile, he continued, “What, too soon?”