At his continued silence, she pressed, “Shades?”

He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. “Hell, no. Butcher’s getting rid of them.”

“They knew I was here? How?”

“They don’t know shit. They don’t have a clue where you are. They just wanted the Evil Dead’s help in tracking you down. Guess you must have told Rusty you were from Birmingham.”

“I didn’t. I didn’t tell any of them about Birmingham.”

“Well, they figured it out somehow.”

“And if they find out you’re harboring me?”

“It could start an all-out war.”

“Don’t sugarcoat it or anything.” Ghost leaned back against the wall, his arms folded.

Shades jumped to his feet and spun on him. “She needs to know what she’s done, what she’s dragged this club into.”

“Oh my God.” Skylar grabbed up her purse. “I should go. I…”

Shades grabbed her by the bicep as she made to move past him. “You’re not going anywhere, Sky.”

“I don’t want to bring trouble down on you. I never meant to do that.”

“Too late. Trouble just showed up at the gate. So now you’re going to do what you’re told.”

“And what’s that?”

“For starters, you’re staying right here while the club meets to talk about this. I’m not letting you run again, babe. Get that through your head.”

Not letting you run again. Skylar let his words sink in as their eyes held. He meant them. She’d run once, and he had no intention of letting her do it again.

Through the window, she heard the bikes fire up and soon roar off down the street. Skylar exhaled, not realizing she’d been holding her breath. Her whole body sagged with relief and a sob escaped her lips. Shades pulled her close, her face pressed into the leather of his cut. One arm locking around her waist, the other pulling her head tight against him. Being held so close, feeling the strength of his arms around her, she melted into him and felt his protection enfold her. She needed him so. Not just his physical protection, not just his club’s protection. She needed the man. This man. She needed the emotional support he gave her. When she was weak and scared and tired, he was strong and sure. She felt like she could give it all over to him and he’d take care of it, take care of her.

As if he’d read her thoughts, his voice whispered in her ear, “I’ll handle it. I’ll take care of it, Sky.”

Then his hands were on her upper arms, and he was pulling back to

look down at her, his jaw tight, his face firm. His grip tightened, giving her another shake. “You do what you’re told, Skylar. You hear me?”

She had no choice but to nod.

“Let’s go.” Shades looked at Ghost and jerked his head toward the door.

They left her alone in the room. When the door closed, she hadn’t heard it lock. It being an office, she’d noticed it had a deadbolt that opened with a key from the other side, and she’d feared they would lock her in. Moving to the door, she tried it and sighed with relief when the knob turned. Opening it a crack, she could hear them stomping down the stairs, boots pounding on the steps and then down the hall.

She waited, giving them a few minutes, then she crept down the stairs, determined to sneak out and disappear while Shades was meeting with his President. No matter what Shades said, she couldn’t cause him trouble. She couldn’t involve him in this or put him in any danger.

Reaching the bottom, she dashed down the hall, through the clubhouse, past the bar and almost made it to the door. Looking over her shoulder to make sure Shades hadn’t seen her, she slammed right into a hard male body.


Slick was jolted by the beautiful woman who’d just slammed into him, but he made a grab to catch her before she fell flat. Unfortunately, her purse fell to the ground, the contents scattering.

She looked up at him, and he realized it was Skylar.

“Whoa, there, darlin’. You okay?” he asked, his arms reaching out to steady her.