Then Butcher hugged him, pounding him on the back. Then Boot and Slick, who seemed especially choked up, each clutched him in a man-hug, pounding his back as well.

Butcher returned to the mike, but his eyes were on Shades. He grinned big and joked, “You’re one fish and a loaf from being a fuckin’ saint, Brother.”

The crowd roared with laughter.

Butcher turned to the crowd and yelled, “Guess that puts us over our goal!”

A huge cheer went up.

Then he turned his head toward Bulldog’s widow, his mouth still at the mike. “You’re family, darlin’. Always will be. Guess I can’t say it any better than Shades just did. We take care of our own.”

She nodded to him, tears in her eyes. Then he turned back to the crowd.

“Thanks to everyone who donated today. Not just members, but we got a lot of club supporters here today. Many of you participated in the poker run we had last week for Bulldog’s family. A lot of you donated today. You know who you are and I want to thank each and every one of you.”

He paused as a round of applause burst out.

“And to all the ol’ ladies and the women who helped put on this shin-dig.”

Another round of applause.

“So enough talkin’. Let’s get to celebrating. There’s tables of food laid out and the kegs are tapped. Thanks, everyone.”

With that another cheer went up, and the party began.

Skylar watched Shades get swamped by his brothers and other people who had shown up for the event. There must have been over a hundred people crowded into the compound.

She felt a presence at her side and looked over to see the girl that had passed out the shots. The pretty blonde th

ey’d called Ashley.

Ashley took a sip from her red plastic cup, observing the melee over the rim, and then her eyes came to Skylar and she smiled, but not a friendly smile, a fake smile.

Then she spoke.

“I know right now you think you’re with Shades, but I just wanted to set you straight on that. Shades and I are really close. And yeah, when a pretty girl walks by she’ll catch his eye. He may even give her like fifteen minutes. But then he comes back. To me. Because he and I have a connection. Now, whatever you think you have going on with Shades, it won’t last, and then it’ll be time for you to leave. If you don’t, you will be sorry.”

Then, before Skylar could even come up with a response, she was gone.

Skylar turned her head, watching her disappear through the crowd.

What the hell?

When Shades returned to her a few minutes later, she straight out asked him about it.

He stared at her for a moment, frowning, his expression saying what the fuck. But that’s not what came out of his mouth.

Instead he said, “Right. We need to talk. Come on.”

He took her hand and pulled her through the crowd, inside the clubhouse, past the bar, up a flight of stairs and into a room that faced the back of the property. It was an office of sorts, but it didn’t looked like it was ever used. There was a window that looked out over the back, and that’s where Skylar moved after she pulled free of Shades hold. Tossing her purse on the dusty desk, she folded her arms and stared out the window. Noise from the party below drifted up to them.

“Been meanin’ to have this conversation with you. Thought I’d have more time. Didn’t think we’d be back at the clubhouse this quick. With the boys showin’ up like they did today, I didn’t get a chance. Should have made time. Should have took the time.”

“Just say what you have to say,” she said impatiently.

“Skylar, there’ve been women since you left. Not gonna deny that. Some of ‘em are even here today. But none of ‘em have ever meant anything to me. We have some fun, and they go on their way. They know the deal, and they don’t expect more. Because I don’t let ‘em expect more. But those times are in the past. You’re mine now. And I’m not gonna fuck that up again. Told you that.”

“What does that mean?” she asked, still staring out the window at the crowd below.