She looked away. Apparently that was all the answer he needed.

“I see. Guess you didn’t grieve long over me.”

“Rusty, please, it wasn’t like that. I swear. I was terrified. I was sure the DKs would hunt me down and kill me. I didn’t know where to go, I-”

“Save it.”

“You don’t understand-”

“Says he’s got proof you didn’t do it.”


“Only one explanation for him to be comin’ for you. You must mean something to him.”

Skylar’s chest rose and fell. “I used to mean something to you.”

“Yeah, you did.”

Past tense.

His eyes moved over her face and then returned to her eyes. “You love this guy?”


“Do. You. Love. This. Guy?”

She was terrified of what he’d do if she spoke the truth, but she couldn’t deny it. Her mouth wouldn’t let her form the word. And besides, he deserved her honesty. “Yes.”

He sucked in a breath and studied her long moments. Then surprised her by asking, “He good to you?”

She frowned, not sure if this was some game he was playing with her or if he was seriously wanting to know. Apparently she hesitated too long.

“Skylar. Asked you a question.”

“Yes. He’s a good man.”

He huffed out a breath. “Guess I’ll be the judge of what kind of man he is when he gets here.”

“What?” Her face filled with shock. Shades was coming? Here? For her? She looked up at Rusty. Oh, God, they would kill him. “Rusty, please, it’s me you’re mad at, not him.”

“Evil Dead lied to us. Hid you out. Got in our business. That’s not something we let slide.”

“And if he has proof I didn’t do it?”

“You better pray he does,” Reno bit out with a curl of his lip from where he stood leaning against the wall, his arms folded.

Her eyes flicked to him, and then came back to Rusty. He stayed silent, his eyes boring into hers, and then he walked out, slamming the door.

“Rusty, wait!” she called after him.

Reno pushed off the wall and squatted down in front of her and advised, “Wouldn’t be counting on any last minute reprieve if I were you, darlin’. Even if this guy does have the balls to show up, doesn’t mean Rusty’s lettin’ you go. And as for the Dead—we’ll kill every last rat-bastard one of ‘em.”

Skylar swallowed.

He stood and grinned down at her. “Just something to mull over. While you sit here waiting, pretty girl.” Then he strode out.

Her eyes fell to the floor, her mind searching. The recording. The camera. It was the only ‘proof’ he could have. But it was at Rusty’s condo. Had he gone to get it? She’d told him about it. Apparently, he’d paid attention. Or was he bluffing? Her eyes slid closed. Either way, he’d be walking into the enemy’s camp. Alone.