“Yeah. I think she’ll be okay.”

“And Skylar?”

“Skylar’s gone.”

Ghost looked over as Shades suddenly lunged to his feet and headed toward his bike. Ghost growled into the phone, “I gotta go.”

Shades threw his leg over his bike as Ghost got to him, grabbing his arm.

“Whoa, brother. Take a minute. Think it through. Let’s get a plan.”

“I have to get that spy-cam, Ghost.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Ghost frowned.

Shades tried to shake him off.

“Shades, Brother, we’ll do whatever we gotta do to get her back, but I need to know the plan.”

Shades took a breath, obviously trying to regain his concentration, and then he explained about the spy-cam.

Ghost ran a hand down his face. “Christ.”

“We’re wasting time, Ghost.”

Ghost nodded. “Yeah. Let me tell the guys.”

“Just you and me, Ghost. We have to move now.”

“Yeah, okay. Just give me a minute, bro.”

“I can’t lose her, Ghost.”

“You won’t.”

Shades nodded, but it wasn’t with conviction.

Ghost stepped away and quickly dialed up Blood. He glanced over at Shades, who was firing up his bike and a moment later tore out of the lot.

“Yeah,” came Blood’s voice through his phone.

“Blood, it’s Ghost,” he yelled over the thundering pipes. “They got Skylar. They took her.”

“Who took her?” he barked. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“DKs. We need you, brother.”

“I’m on my way.”

“You gotta tell her father.”

“Shit,” Blood cursed, and Ghost knew he was thinking about how this was going to destroy Undertaker.

Without waiting for an answer, Ghost disconnected. Griz walked up and heard what Ghost had said to Blood. Ghost snapped at him, “Wrap it up here, and you and the guys get to Atlanta. I’ll call you.”

Griz nodded somberly.

Ghost started up his bike and roared down the road after Shades.