Crash laughed. “Suit yourself, but that sun’s a bitch when it comes over the horizon at the crack of dawn.”

“Which will only be in about four hours,” Jake put in, glancing at his military wrist watch.

Shane groaned and got up. “Killjoys.”

They all m

oved inside. The guys moved to the sectional, where Crash had laid out pillows and extra blankets. They each grabbed a pair of sweats out of their duffle bags and took turns in the bathroom. Crash moved around the loft, switching lights out, and then proceeded to the bedroom. He paused by the bed, looking down at Shannon’s sleeping form. She looked so sweet lying there asleep in his bed.

As he pulled his tee shirt over his head and tossed it aside, he thought about how many nights he’d lain awake on the couch imagining crawling in this bed with her. He reached for his belt. A moment later his 501s hit the floor, and he slipped into bed beside her.


Shannon’s eyes fluttered open, squinting against the early morning light. She felt the warm body underneath her. The smooth warm skin beneath her cheek.


She was on top of him, lying between his legs. Her head on his stomach. She could feel his hand on her head, his fingers threaded through her hair. She dared a peek up and found him fast asleep, his head turned to the side on the pillow. He looked different in sleep. Peaceful. Gentle. Tranquil.

Her hand lay on his stomach near her face. Her eyes traveled over him, falling on the tribal tattoo that scrolled down the side of his right ribs, and she couldn’t help but lightly trace her fingertips over the intricate design. It was beautiful. Sexy. Erotic. Hot as hell. Her fingertips moved lower, following along the design.

Without lifting her head, she tilted her chin down just a fraction, her eyes falling on his navel and the trail of hair that traveled lower. She saw his naked hip, the part that wasn’t covered by her body lying on top of him.

Dear God.

He was naked in bed with her. She froze, tensing. Her head moved slightly with the rise and fall of his breathing, and she tried to relax. Her fingertips moved lower, following along the trail, and she abruptly froze feeling him growing hard beneath her.

Suddenly his fingers were tightening in her hair, and his head was twisting on the pillow to look down at her. His sleepy eyes cracked open to peer down at her as his hips lifted, and he shifted beneath her.

The hand not in her hair reached down and stroked tenderly over her ass a second before it squeezed her, and then lifted and came down in a light smack. “Let me up, babe.”

She scrambled off him, mortified, sliding across the mattress to put a foot of space between them. She clutched the sheet and looked over to see him wincing.

“Damn, my leg’s asleep.”

“Sorry,” she murmured.

A slow smile spread across his face. “Don’t apologize. If I didn’t like you sleeping on top of me, I would have moved you off a long time ago.”

“How long have I been…?”

“Cuddled up on top of me?” He grinned, his teeth flashing white against his tan skin and beard. “Sometime in the middle of the night you crawled up on top of me and settled in like a cat. I think you may have actually purred.”

“Oh, God,” she moaned. “I’m so embarrassed.”

He turned on his side, going up on his elbow. He reached up a hand and pushed a lock of hair off her face with a finger. “Don’t be embarrassed, Princess. You’re cute when you blush.”

“What time is it?” she asked glancing toward the chains and the loft beyond wondering if their company was still asleep. Crash twisted, picked his cell off the bedside table and checked the time.

“Nine.” He turned and stood up, giving her a lovely shot of his beautiful back and ass before he pulled a pair of charcoal grey sweatpants up over his hips. He turned back, and she quickly averted her eyes, knowing he’d seen exactly where her eyes had been. He smiled down at her as he tied the string on the sweats up. “Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

He winked in response and moved off to the bathroom.

Shannon clutched the sheet to her chest and sat up, her eyes running over his gorgeous back and those sexy dimples at the base as he walked away. He moved with the grace of a stalking tiger, his shoulders rolling, hips rocking. After the door closed behind him, she twisted, peering through the chains. She could see two bodies sprawled out on different parts of the sectional. One of them was snoring softly. She couldn’t help smiling to herself at the sweet little sound.

Scrambling out of bed, she quickly dressed in a pair of black yoga pants. She pulled a sky blue racer-back tank from her bag and tossed it on the bed. She heard the toilet flushing and quickly turned her back, yanking her camisole top over her head and reaching for the tank, wanting to be dressed before Crash walked back out the door.