The sudden change from the bright sunlight to the dim interior had her eyes struggling to adjust. She clung closely to Crash’s back. He moved straight back, through a group standing around and past a couple of pool tables. It seemed like everyone turned to look at her, even the guy making his shot at one of the tables paused, his eyes following her. They moved on, Crash finally stopping at a bar on the right. Glancing around, she saw Cole sitting on a barstool with Angel sitting next to him, and Mack next to her. She also recognized the other members that she’s already met. Red Dog, Wolf, and Green.

When Angel saw her, she jumped off her barstool and came over, hugging her. She whispered in her ear. “Every guy here is checking you out. Girl, you look hot.” Then she pulled back and looked over at Crash. “Hey, sweetie. You should introduce Shannon around. I’m sure the guys want to meet her.”

“Smartass,” he responded.

Cole grabbed Angel’s hand and yanked her to his side, putting an arm around her and pulling her up against him. “Leave the man alone, babe.”

Crystal was manning the bar along with a prospect. She waived at Shannon and headed over to take her and Crash’s order. He got them both a beer, passing one to her.

“Thank you.” She took a sip. Turning back to Angel, she asked, “Where are your kids? I thought this was supposed to be a family event.”

“Oh, it is. Natalie is bringing them over. She should be here any minute.” Angel took her hand and pulled her a few feet away from the guys, who closed ranks and started talking amongst themselves. “How was the ride over?”

Shannon glanced back at Crash. “Fine.”

“You two okay? Things seem a little tense between you.”

She shrugged. “Nothing I do is right.”

Angel frowned, a questioning look on her face.

Shannon elaborated. “He told me he knew I was going to cause trouble here today. What does he think I’m going to do?”

Angel smiled. “I don’t know, stand here and be beautiful?”

“Be serious.”

“Darlin’, I am being serious. He’s worried about his brothers hitting on you.”

She blew out a breath. “Why would he even care?”

“Why indeed?” Angel laughed and hooked an arm through Shannon’s. “Come on, you can help me with the food in the kitchen.”

Twenty minutes later, they had all the prepared bowls of potato salad, macaroni salad and a ton of other dishes, unwrapped and carried out to the picnic tables, along with paper plates and plastic forks. There were burgers, brats and hotdogs hot off the grill.

Natalie arrived with Cole and Angel’s children. Angel introduced Shannon to Natalie. “Shannon, this is my Aunt Natalie. She lives with Cole and me, and she helps us with the children. I don’t know what I’d do without her.” Angel gave her aunt a hug.

Natalie surprised her, by pulling her in for a big hug. Pulling back, she said, “Shannon, dear. I’ve so wanted to meet you. I’m so glad you’re here today for the BBQ.”

“Thank you. I’m glad I’m here, too.”

Natalie cupped Shannon’s face in her hand. “My Lord, you’re beautiful, honey. Those boys are going to be tripping over themselves with you around.”

“Thank you, I think.”

Angel introduced Shannon to her children, pointing them out. “The little blonde boy running to daddy is TJ.” Shannon swiveled her head to see an adorable boy that looked a lot like his father, run into Cole’s legs. Cole ruffled the boy’s hair, smiling down at him.

“And the little girl over there in Crash’s arms is Melissa,” Angel pointed to where Crash stood.

Shannon looked over. Crash had an adorable little girl in his arms, her blonde curls bouncing. He was touching the big plastic bead necklace around her neck. She was looking down at it and obviously telling him all about it. Something in the picture they made struck Shannon. He was being so sweet to the little girl, hanging on her every word and making her feel like he had all the time in the world for her.

“Those two have had a special relationship since the day we moved in with Cole. She loves her Uncle Crash,” Angel mused over Shannon’s shoulder.

Shannon turned back to her. “Yes, it’s obvious he loves her, too.”

“And this little munchkin is Brayden, our newest.” Angel picked up a toddler, who was clinging to her legs.

“Oh, he’s adorable. Hi there, little guy.” The boy had blonde curls and big blue eyes like his father. “You two certainly do make beautiful babies.”