The missing heiress was last seen Friday. Her car was found abandoned along with her cell phone at a local mall. Police have no leads at this time. And now in other news…

Crash aimed the remote at the screen, flicking it off. He tossed the remote to the table and spun on her. “This is bad, babe. They’re gonna be looking for you all over town. Thought you told them you were okay?”

“I did. I told them everything you said.”

“Then what’s this about? Why would they report you missing?”

Shannon swallowed. Nicklaus. It had to be him. He was controlling her father, trying to force her hand. “My father is calling my bluff. Trying to force me home.” Crash looked at her like he could read between the lines. Like he knew. But he didn’t know, and she couldn’t let him find out. He’d dump her back home so fast, her head would spin.

“What’s going on here, Shannon? The truth.”

“You obviously haven’t dealt with men like my father.”

“Men like your father?”

“Powerful men. Men who are used to getting their way. Men who don’t sit well with rebellion.”

He just stared at her, and she could see him mentally trying to put the puzzle pieces together. But he’d never get the whole picture, because he didn’t have all the pieces. His jaw clenched, and then he spoke. “You need to put a call in to the police now. Explain this is all a misunderstanding. That you are fine, a legal adult and not in the control of your father any longer.”

She wanted to argue, but she knew it was the only way. Nodding, she agreed, “Of course.”

A second later, Crash’s phone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket and put it to his ear. “Yeah.” His eyes came to hers. “Yeah, I saw it.”

She watched him bite his lip and look at the ceiling.


“I’ll handle it, Cole.” He ended the call, tossing the phone down on the table. Then he stalked past her toward the kitchen drawer. She watched him pull out another disposable cell phone. He turned, holding it out to her. “You don’t tell them where you are. You give them nothing except information to confirm your identity, and then you get off the phone. You hear me?”

She nodded, taking the phone.

Crash stood over her while she made the call. When she was done, he took the phone and stalked up on the roof.

After the door slammed, she stared at it, hating that she’d put him in this position. Thinking all over again that maybe she should leave. But where would she go? Back home? Back to Nicklaus?


The next morning, Natalie sat on a barstool in the Evil Dead Clubhouse. Mack was next to her, his hand stroking her leg as he sipped his coffee. It was just going on nine in the morning. Cole, Wolf and Red Dog were there as well. She’d dropped by for a few minutes before she ran some errands. She had an idea she wanted to share with Mack. Turning to him, she announced, “I’ve been thinking about organizing a girl’s weekend.”

“A girl’s weekend? Like where? A trip to the wine country?” She was always trying to get Mack to go with her to Napa Valley. Wine wasn’t his thing, and she knew he couldn’t picture himself with that crowd.

“Nothing that tame. I was thinking more along the lines of Vegas.”


“You’ve heard of it, Mack. What happens in Vegas…” Wolf put in with a grin.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of it, and what happens doesn’t always stay in Vegas.” His gaze swung to Natalie. “Not happening, lady.”

“What do you mean, ‘not happening’?”

“I mean you’re not going.”

“And you’re sure as hell not taking Angel with you.” This from Cole.

“Mary ain’t goin’,” Red Dog put in.

“Boys, you’re overreacting. Guys have fun. Why can’t we girls?”