“Good on hardwoods and carpet?” Cole asked with a grin.

“You know it.”

The guys chuckled.

Crash took a hit off his beer. “You’re keepin’ quiet about Shannon, right? Don’t need Mack finding out.”

“Silence will cost you, brother,” Dog teased.

“Come on, Dog, you scratch my back, and I won’t tell Mary who’s scratchin’ yours,” he teased back, glancing back at the girl.

Dog just grinned, “Don’t matter. She already knows. Who do you think knocked my teeth out?”

Crash chuckled.

“She cut him off, too,” Cole added with a laugh.

“Oh, yeah?” Crash grinned, looking at Dog. He leaned to

ward Cole and mused, “I wonder what his brain is gonna do with all that extra blood.”

Cole almost spit out his beer.

“That woman’s driving me crazy.”

Crash grinned, “Yeah, which one?”

Dog gave him a smirk. “Mary, dickhead. She’s always wanting to talk about feelings for Christ’s sake. Always wanting to know what I’m thinking.” He took a hit off his beer. “Like I’m thinking all the time.”

Cole and Crash burst out laughing.

“Women,” Red Dog grumbled.

“What, you ready to give ‘em up?” Crash goaded.

“No, it’s just all the crap you have to go through to get to the good stuff.”

Cole lit a cigarette. “Shut up, Dog. You’re lucky Mary puts up with your shit.”

“That woman can emasculate a man quicker than Green can jerk off.”

Crystal brought Dog a beer and purred, “I could make you feel like a man, Red Dog.”

Red Dog grinned, “That right, baby-cakes?”

“Yeah, take out the trash.” She jerked her thumb toward the garbage can.

The guys hooted with laughter.

“Bitch, Bitch, Bitch. That’s all you ever are,” he teased back.

Green walked up, standing between Crash and Red Dog, lighting a cigarette. He looked over and noticed Red Dog’s missing teeth. Letting out a chuckle he said, “Trick or treat.”

“That’s supposed to be a joke?” Red Dog growled.

Green paused, the lighter half way to his smoke. “Yeah, okay.”

“He want a beer?” Crystal asked Crash, nodding toward Green.