“Christ, woman, nothing with you is easy, is it?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I’d hate to be behind you in the drive-thru line. It means, Princess; does everything have to be difficult with you?”

“I’m not being difficult.”

“Clue in, Shannon. Special orders do upset us. I’ve got no patience for this crap.”

“They’re here to serve me, the customer. I should get what I want.”

“She’s gonna bring you the salad. The way they make it. And you’re gonna eat it. Like it is.”

“What? Why?” she asked confused and a little pissed off. “What’s wrong with asking for it the way I want it?”

A grin pulled at his mouth. “Princess, the only place that might work with me, is in the bedroom.”

She sat back, stunned by his comment and looking a little uncomfortable. Crash’s grin widened. Keeping her off-balance seemed to be a good strategy with her. He watched her fold her arms and huff out a breath, staring out the window. His eyes followed hers as he picked up his coffee and took a sip.

They were in a chain restaurant attached to a mall. There was a large parking garage outside with two levels. He’d noticed she’s been nervous as a cat when he’d pulled the bike into the lower level. He knew some people freaked out about parking garages, something about it falling on them or some shit. He’d never have taken Shannon for one of them.

Their food was delivered. Crash watched as Shannon pushed all the egg to the side and grudgingly ate it. He hid his smile and ate his burger.

When they were finished, he paid the check and walked her out to the bike. As they approached it, a white panel van pulled into the spot next to where he’d parked. Suddenly Shannon was backing up, staring at it. Crash turned to her, a puzzled look on his face. “Babe?”

The look on her face shocked him. She looked terrified. Thoughts of her stalker-ex ran through his mind as his gaze returned to the van. The driver’s side door opened on the opposite side of the vehicle. Crash clamped a hand on Shannon’s upper arm and yanked her to his side. She was trembling all over. What the fuck?

He was ready to shove her behind him and pull his gun, when an elderly oriental man rounded the back and headed toward the mall, his gate stooped and shuffling.

Crash looked down at Shannon. She was still shaking. “Darlin’, you okay?”

She grabbed onto his arm, and her breath sawed in and out of her.

Crash took her upper arms in both of his and bent his head to her, looking into her face. “Shannon, what is it?”

She stood there, shaking. His eyes dropped to her throat, where he could see her pulse beating wildly. She was having a full-blown panic attack. Pulling her into his arms, he held her tight, his hand running up and down her back. “Calm down, sweetheart. I’m here. No one is going to hurt you.”

They stood there for several long minutes. She was burrowed up against him like she couldn’t get close enough. He just continued to hold her, whispering comfortingly to her. “Baby, you’re okay. Slow your breathing.”

His voice seemed to penetrate, and she drew in a deep shuddering breath. A moment later, she stepped away practically shoving his arms from her. “I’m fine now.”

There was a bite to her voice. Crash looked at her, frowning. “You’re sur


She nodded and snapped, “Yes, damn it. Let’s just go.”

He studied her, wanting to question her about what just happened, but he could see her need to get out of there. “Okay, Princess. Come on.” He pulled her to the bike. Handing her helmet to her, he strapped his own on. Throwing his leg over, he lifted the bike off its kickstand and fired it up. She climbed on, clutching him tightly. He backed the bike out and got them the hell out of there.

When they got back to his place, Crash rolled the bike into the lower level, and she immediately scrambled off the back. He cut the engine and got off, studying her as he ripped his helmet off and hung it on the handlebar. She pulled hers off, and he took it from her. “You want to tell me what that was about back there?”

“Nothing, Crash. Just drop it, please.” She spun and headed toward the elevator.

He followed her on, slamming the gate and hitting the lever. They ascended toward the second floor. He studied her as they rode up. Then suddenly he threw the lever, stopping them between floors. They were going to have this conversation, and she wasn’t going to run away from it. Trapped in the freight elevator, she had nowhere to run.

Her wide eyes flew to him. “What are you doing?”

“What the hell was that back there, Shannon? You had a full-blown panic attack, and don’t tell me, nothing.”