“I love you, too, baby.”

He smiled down at me. “This is the start of us.”

I smiled back. It was. And it was a really good start.


I’ll be the first to admit it wasn’t love at first sight. Lust? Hell, yeah. No doubt about it, but not love. Maybe not even like, but she changed all that.

As I grew to see the real Shannon, the girl with the soft heart, the naïve, neurotic, vulnerable girl, the girl that no doubt about it can make me laugh more than any woman I’ve ever known. Yeah, then it grew to love. A love so strong sometimes I think I might not survive it. And that’s okay. I’ll take whatever the good Lord gives me; however many years that may be.

And in the end, I hope to God I go first, because I know I can’t live without her. I wouldn’t survive the loss.

But enough of those dark thoughts, this is a happy day. I’ve got my baby, my princess, and I’m never letting her go.