“What about?”

“You’re boys, Jake and Shane.”


“We’ll talk when we meet.”

“Yeah, okay. I’m on my way.”


An hour later, the boys were all seated around the table. Mack looked over at Crash. “First of all, hadn’t had a chance to formally say this, but I think I can speak for all of us when I say we’re glad you’re home. This is your family, Crash. It’s where you belong.”

There was a murmuring of agreement around the table. Crash nodded. “Thanks, boys. Appreciate it.”

“Next,” Mack continued. “We’ve all gotten to know your boys, Jake and Shane. If you agree to sponsor one of them, Cole’s offered to sponsor the other.”

Crash nodded. “Done.”

Mack looked around the table and raised his hand in the air. “All in favor of bringing on Jake and Shane as prospects?” Arms went up all around the table. His gaze stopped pointedly at Wolf, who hadn’t raised his hand. “Seriously, brother? I thought you left that shit in the cage?”

Cole and Crash turned murderous looks on Wolf, who rolled his eyes and reluctantly raised his hand, mumbling, “You know I’m gonna give ‘em hell, right?”

“They’ll be treated like every other prospect,” Mack growled. “All right, that’s done. We’ll get them some cuts and present them next week.” He turned to Cole. “Next piece of business. Need you to pay a visit to our good friend Artie. Cajun went by Queen of Hearts last night to pick up this month’s payment. Artie wasn’t there. Take somebody with you and take care of it. I’m tired of dicking around with this son-of-a-bitch.”

Cole nodded once and looked at Dog. “Dog, you and me.”

“Shit, Mary’s gonna have my ass. Tonight’s her birthday.”

“I got it,” Crash offered. “Nobody’s at home waitin’ on me.”

Cole and Red Dog exchanged a look.

Mack slammed the gavel down.

They all filed out of the meeting room.

Cole watched Crash move to the bar, grab a bottle of bourbon and head to a table in a dark corner. Mack walked up next to Cole, following the direction of his eyes. “I’m guessing the time away didn’t do much good.”

“Doesn’t look that way.?

?? Cole walked toward Crash and sat down. “You gonna spend all day giving mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to that bottle?”

Crash picked up the bottle and refilled his glass. Setting the bottle down, he looked over at Cole. “Maybe.”

“You gonna start this crap again? Night after night, sitting in this corner?” Cole watched Crash’s eyes lift to meet his. At least he was listening. “Brother, I know you’ve lost a lot. And all of it in a short time.”

“Don’t need a recap of my life, Cole. I’m the one livin’ it.”

Cole’s hands rested on the table, he raised them slightly as if at a loss. “I just hate seein’ you this way, brother.”

Crash looked over at him, his hand still clenched around the neck of the bottle. “Then don’t watch.”

“Crash, this can’t go on. You’ve got to pull your shit together.” Cole watched his eyes move around the room.

“Am I letting somebody down? Am I letting my club down? My brothers down?”

Cole looked down at his hands on the table and shook his head. “That’s not what I’m trying to say. What can I do to help you?”