Crash’s eyes slid closed, and his head dropped.

Cole walked over to him, sliding his hand to the back of Crash’s neck. “We’re not gonna let you down, Crash. He’s not leaving that property alive.”

Crash nodded, and then lifted his head. “Yeah.”

Cole turned to the others. “Let’s move.”


Montoya and his men had just left. Tate felt he’d gotten everything he needed to nail his operation. Three months of undercover work had all led up to this night, and it had finally paid off. But he knew this night’s drama had an act two, and it was about to begin. The minute those black SUVs cleared the property and headed down the hill, Cole and his men were going to be storming the place. He’d already made sure that the sliding glass doors that faced the back were left unlocked, and Bradshaw and Carter were out front, making sure Montoya’s men cleared the front gates.

Tate was in the library with Nicklaus. It was the place they’d held the meeting with Montoya. Nicklaus lit up a cigar, leaned back in his chair and blew smoke toward the ceiling. He motioned toward the box of cigars. “Help yourself.”

“No thanks, sir. I think I’ll pass. Never been much for smoking.” Tate declined, knowing he only had minutes to get clear of the room and hopefully make sure Shannon was well out of the line of fire. That plan was shot to hell, when the side door flew open, and she stumbled into the room.

Tate took one look at her and knew she’d been too long without that damn drug Nicklaus had been giving her. She was holding it together, but she was borderline.

Nicklaus looked over at her as if he’d been expecting her. “How good of you to join us, luv, but I didn’t send for you. You know the rules. Am I going to have to punish you?”

Before Tate could anticipate her next move, she flew across the room in her long satin nightgown that hugged every curve and pulled the kitchen knife from behind her back, slicing it across Nicklaus’s throat. Blood went everywhere, spraying across the wall, desk and the front of Shannon.

Tate lunged across the desk, but it was too late. Nicklaus slumped back in his chair, his arms falling wide, and his cigar dropping to the floor. Blood continued to spurt from his throat. Tate grabbed Shannon from behind and grabbed her wrist, holding it high and wide. It was at that moment that the Evil Dead burst through the door, guns drawn and aimed at him. Fucking hell.

Crash stalked forward, his pistol aimed straight at Tate’s head and getting closer with each step.

“It’s not what you think. She just slit his throat. It’s his blood, not hers. I was trying to get the knife away from her before she hurt herself.”

“Get your fucking hands off her!” Crash growled.

“Okay. All right, but she’s pretty messed up. Ralston’s been keeping her heavily drugged.”

Crash’s eyes moved to Shannon. Christ, he barely recognized her. Besides the fact that she was covered in blood, her hair hung limp, she was pale, and her eyes looked vacant. He swallowed. “Princess.”

Her eyes met his, at first it was as if she didn’t recognize him or maybe just didn’t expect to see him standing there in front of her. Then her eyes glazed, and her lip started to tremble.

“Baby, put the knife down. It’s all gonna be okay.” He watched as she looked over at her hand like she didn’t even remember having the knife in her hand. Then she dropped it and started shaking. Tate still had his arm around her waist, and Crash knew that was probably all that was keeping her on her feet.

Holding his gun on Tate, he came around the desk, his other arm reaching out to Shannon. “C’mere, baby. Walk to me.”

Tate’s arm loosened, and she stepped over to Crash, collapsing against him. His arm tightened around her, holding her close. “I’ve got you, Shannon. I’ve got you.”

She began to sob against his chest.

Cole, Wolf and Red Dog stepped forward, their guns still aimed at Tate.

“I’ve got it, Crash. Take care of her,” Cole said quietly.

Crash lowered his gun and pulled Shannon back from the carnage she’d wreaked on Nicklaus. He walked backwards to a small loveseat by the fireplace and sat down, pulling her onto his lap. He cuddled her close, rocking her and holding her. “It’s over. It’s all over, baby. I’ve got you.”

She looked up at him, her eyes liquid with tears. “You came for me.”

“Of course I did. Did you have any doubt?” Her lip trembled. He brushed the hair tenderly back from her forehead and brought his face close to hers. “Listen to me, baby. No one and nothing is going to get in our way or pull us apart. Do you understand me?”

She nodded, her head going to his chest, holding him tight.

Tate’s eyes moved from Shannon to Cole to Nicklaus’s body. “Seems we’ve got a problem.”

“From my perspective, it’s you with the problem,” Cole countered.