“Ralston’s taken the wife of our VP. Wants our club to trade your daughter for her. You want to be a part of that? You want trouble to rain down on your head, you got it.”

“I don’t know anything about that. I swear.”

Crash leaned down, his hands planted in Taylor’s desk and got right in his face. “Taylor, there’s only one way this thing is going to end. I’m gonna find that guy and get Angel back, and then Ralston is a dead man. You don’t want to add your name to that list, you’d better tell me everything you know. Now. Because, mister, I may spare your life for the sake of your daughter, but I’m not so sure my VP’s gonna feel the same way.”

“I don’t know where he’s taken this Angel woman. I swear I don’t.”

“Who would?”

Taylor rubbed his forehead. “I don’t know. I…”

“You’re a rich man. Who in your organization would know all your locations? Would know where you went last? Would know about a woman with you?”

“His secretary, maybe.”

“No way.”

“His bodyguards.”

“How many does he have?”

“There were always at least two. Sometimes three.”

“But they’d be with him. Who wouldn’t necessarily be with him? We need someone we can get our hands on. Someone who can lead us to him.”

“Wait. His driver.”

Crash studied him. “And how are we going to find him?”

“The guy he uses used to drive for me. Alphonso…” He snapped his fingers. “I can’t remember his last name, but Beverly probably still has it.” He picked up the phone. “Beverly bring me Alphonso’s information.”

A minute later, Beverly entered the office and slid a file folder on Taylor’s desk, taking care to stay as far out of reach of Crash as she could.

“Thank you. That’s all.”

When she’d left, Crash grabbed the folder, looking at the single sheet inside that appeared to be a computer printout with a name, address and a couple of phone numbers. Crash shut the folder and looked at Taylor. “You’re going to take an early lunch.”


“You’re coming with me. I don’t trust you not to tip off Ralston. Let’s go.”

Taylor stared at him, and then his eyes went to the door. Crash could practically see the wheels spinning so he pulled his vest out, revealing his pistol. “I have no problem using this. We’re going to walk out of here quietly, and you’re going to make sure your secretary doesn’t call anyone. Do we understand each other?”

Taylor nodded, and they left the building.


Angel tried to concentrate, but it was difficult with all the drugs they kept pumping into her. Things were fuzzy, but she tried to focus. She had to stay aware. Cole would come for her, she knew he would. He’d find her somehow, and he’d take her home to their children. At the thought of her precious babies, she felt the sting of tears in her eyes.


She couldn’t afford to get emotional. Not now. There would be time for that later. Right now she had to stay strong and look for any opportunity she could to help herself.

A tall man she’d heard them refer to as Tate walked into the bedroom they were keeping her in as the one called Carter sunk the hypodermic into her arm. Tate yanked Carter’s hand with the needle violently back, snapping, “She’s had enough of that damn shit.”

Carter looked up at him. “What the fuck, man?”

“Get out, Carter. I got this.” Tate grabbed her out of Carter’s arms. He held her close, and she was glad to be as far away from Carter as she could get. Out of all of the men who’d kidnapped her, the one called Tate had treated her the kindest. He always treated her gently, and anytime he saw one of the other men treating her roughly, he stepped in and stopped it. Of course, he wasn’t always around.