“Good God, girl,” Wolf exclaimed.

“Holy hell, Crash. I can’t believe you made it out of the room with her looking like that,” Cole added, scooting over one seat and offering the bar stool between himself and Red Dog to her.

She climbed up on it, and Crash moved in to stand behind her. “Everything go okay?” he asked Cole.

“Yeah, fine. Don’t change the fuckin’ subject.” Cole grinned.

“And that subject was what?”

“How hot your woman is.”

“She’s hot. And we’re not talking about it.”

Cole chuckled. “Right.” He turned to Shannon. “You have that outfit stashed in Crash’s saddlebags, darlin’?”

She looked between Crash and Cole. “Not exactly.”

“Ain’t none of his business, Shannon,” Crash warned her.

“I think somebody spent part of the day shopping,” Cole surmised.

She grinned.

“Yep. That’s a shopping spree grin if ever I saw one.”

“Guess you’d know about that, huh?” Crash ribbed Cole. “Your wife’s probably at the mall as we speak.”

Cole glared at Crash.

Crash grinned back and ordered a couple of drinks, then he turned back to his brothers. “So, what are we talking about, boys?”

Red Dog took a sip of his beer. “We were just about to talk about what to get you for Christmas.”

Crash grinned at the joke. “I’ll give you a hint. I want it fuel-injected with eight cylinders.”

“Duly noted,” Red Dog answered with a grin.

Cole lifted his chin toward the new pendant Shannon wore. “That part of the shopping spree, too, darlin’?”

Red Dog dipped his head conspiratorially at Shannon. “You know what they say about men who give women expensive jewelry?”

“What’s that?” Shannon frowned.

Dog waggled his brows and teased, “Either he did something very bad or she did something very good.”

Shannon rolled her eyes and let out a tinkle of laughter. “You’re incorrigible.” She took a sip of her drink, and then hopped off her stool, excused herself and went to the ladies room.

> When she was gone, Cole turned to Crash. “You two getting serious?”

“Yeah, I think we are.”

“Brother, you need to think about where this is goin’ and how it’s gonna end.”

“My eyes are open, Cole.”

“Are they?”

“Yeah, they are.”