Nicklaus’s eyes slid closed, and his jaw clenched.

“Do you want us to continue the search? Try and pick up their trail?”

Nicklaus took a deep breath. Dealing with incompetence wasn’t his strong suit. “No, that won’t be necessary. I’m through wasting time.”

“What now, sir?”

“Time to implement plan B.”

“Plan B, sir?”

“Yes. When I’m through, she’s going to be walking through these doors of her own accord.”

“Yes, sir. What do you need from us?”

“Return here. I have another job for you.”


Crash and Shannon lay in bed, his hand stroking her back, his fingers playing with her hair when his cell went off. His eyes moved to the nightstand, and he reached to answer it. “Yeah?”

“We’re here. We just checked in. What room you in?” Cole asked.

“1630. They put you on the same floor?”

“Yeah.” Cole disconnected.

About two minutes later there was a pounding on the door. Crash grinned to himself thinking that didn’t take long. He got up.

“Crash!” Shannon shrieked, clutching the covers to her chest.

He leaned over her, gave her a quick kiss and ordered, “Don’t move, baby.” He scooped up her clothes and tossed them in a chair across the room, out of her reach.

“Crash, don’t you dare open that door!”

He just winked at her, pulled his jeans up, leaving them unbuttoned and went to the door. His four brothers prowled into the room.

“Well, well, well. Guess we know what you’ve been up to.” Green said, his eyes on Shannon still in the bed.

“He letting you get any sleep?” Cole asked, leaning against the corner of the wall that jutted out separating the bathroom from the entryway by the door, his eyes on Shannon, grinning.

“Quit teasing her,” Crash snapped, moving past him back into the room.

“What’s the matter with you, bro, get up on the wrong side of the bed?” Red Dog asked, grinning

“Ain’t no wrong side when there’s a woman like that in it,” Wolf replied with a grin and a wink at Shannon.

“We’re gonna get some sleep. The fight’s gonna be on in the sports bar downstairs at nine tonight. Want to meet up around then?” Cole asked Crash.

“Yeah, sure.”

After they left, Shannon turned on Crash. “Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Let them in when I’m not even dressed.”

He grinned and leaned over her, his fists in the mattress. “Because I love to see you squirm and blush.” He dipped his head, kissing her. “I like keeping you naked in bed.”