Shannon settled behind him and put her hands on his hips. They pulled out and headed down the street. They made a couple of rights and lefts, Red Dog leading the way. They crossed under the interstate, and Shannon noticed a mortuary on the right. They came to a light and made a left. They passed two run-down motels on the left and a package store. Red Dog signaled and slowed up for traffic waiting to make another left in the middle of the four-lane highway. Shannon looked at the street sign of the side street they were waiting to turn onto. It read Cemetery Road. She started to get a little nervous. Where the hell were they going?

The three bikes made the turn. The side street ran along the back of one of the run down motels on their left and a large fenced-in dirt lot that had some dump trucks parked in it on the right. They passed the back of the motel and came to what appeared to be a back entrance to a mini-storage unit facility. Cole was standing at the gate and opened it for them. They rolled through, and three units down on the right were Cole and Crash’s parked bikes, Crash standing next to them. Red Dog stopped, and Shannon got off. Crash walked over to her, taking her hand and pulling her to the side. The three men dismounted.

Cole asked Wolf, “You get ahold of Cajun?”

“They’re about an hour out.”

Cole nodded.

“I’m gonna take Shannon and get out of here. Go get us a room,” Crash said, looking at Cole.

Cole nodded. “All right.”

Red Dog asked Cole, “We driving back to San Jose today, cause brother, I gotta tell ya, I’m beat. I’m not sure I’ll make it back without fallin’ asleep.”

“Yeah, I hear you,” Cole agreed. “He looked over at Crash. Not sure I’m feeling good about you splitting off again. Not with DKs in the area.”

Crash nodded. “All right.”

Cole took a hit off his cigarette and glanced toward the gate and back. “Tell you what, get a room somewhere, and call and let me know where. We’ll all get a room, stay over, get some shut-eye and hit the road in the morning. Sound good?” He looked at Crash and the rest.

“Sounds good,” Crash replied.

“Amen,” Red Dog pronounced.

“There’s two places around the corner,” Green suggested.

Crash looked back at him. “I’m not taking Shannon to one of those rundown roach traps. You feel free to stay there, though, Green.”

Green grinned back.

“All right, brother. See you shortly,” Cole said, slapping Crash on the back.


Crash and Shannon stood at the front desk, checking into a hotel on the Reno strip. The clerk typed into his computer and looked up at Crash. “So that’ll be just one room checking in today and checking out tomorrow, the nineteenth. Is that correct, sir?”

“Yeah. That’ll do it. I’ve got some friends that’ll be checking in soon. Can you put us on a floor with enough empty rooms to book us all on the same floor? We’ll probably need at least two more rooms.”

“Yes, sir. I’m sure I can arrange that. I have several rooms available on the sixteenth floor. Will that be acceptable, sir?”

“That’ll work. Thanks.”

Shannon frowned at the desk clerk. “Is today the eighteenth?”

He smiled back at her. “Yes, ma’am.”

Crash looked over at her, frowning. “Why? What about it?”

The corner of her mouth pulled up. “Nothing.”

He wasn’t buying it. “Shannon, what?”

“Nothing, it’s just…”

“It’s what?”

She blushed. “I guess I lost track of the days. With everything going on.”