“That was one hot kiss, doll.”

“Sorry about that. He’s a little overprotective.”

“No problem. Pull up a seat. You want a cola or something, hon?” Stacy offered.

Shannon sat down. “No thanks.” She held up the drink she still had in her hand. “Still sipping on this.”

Stacy nodded. “So, these bikers, you’re with them?”

“Yes, sort of.”

Stacy grinned. “Sort of, huh? Sounds interesting. You with that guy?”

“Well, yes. I guess you could say that.”

“Lucky you. He’s good looking. All that muscle and leather. Hot as hell.”

Shannon grinned. “Yeah, he is. So, you work here, huh?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Do you like it? I mean I guess it’s not my business.”

Stacy shrugged. “It pays really well. It’s easy work.”

“But, being with strange men you don’t know. Men you’re not even attracted to, I can’t imagine that.”

“Yeah. Most people can’t. It’s not so bad. The rules are pretty strict about what the men can and can’t do.” She shrugged. “I have a few regulars. And most of the men are pretty nice.”

“What kind of men come in here?” Shannon couldn’t help but ask.

“All kinds. I’ve seen it all. Doctors, lawyers, truckers, retirees, college boys. You name it. I even had a member of congress, once. One thing they all have in common, they want to get their rocks off. But really, there is no type, if that’s what you’re asking.”

“Wow. It’s really fascinating.”

Stacy grinned like she had a big secret to share and whispered, “I’m not supposed to talk about it, confidentiality and all that, but I’ll tell you since you’re with the owners and all. I made some real good money last night. I won’t say what team, but we had a bunch of pro-ball players come in. The whole friggin’ team. I cleared almost five grand. And boy, were they built.” She fanned her face, smiling bright.

“That’s a lot of money.”

“You bet it is, sweetie.”

Shannon heard the tinkle of the bell calling the girls for another lineup. She looked over at Stacy, wondering why she wasn’t answering the call. “You’re not working tonight?”

“Nope. I’m the day shift. Just can’t sleep.” Her eyes strayed to a monitor high up in the corner that Shannon hadn’t noticed before.

“What’s that?” Shannon asked.

“Video feed of the parlor. See the guy on the right?”

Shannon looked and nodded.

“He’s gonna pick Cindy. Watch.”

“Which one is Cindy?”

“The one in the school-girl outfit.”

They watched, and sure enough, the guy on the right picked Cindy. Shannon turned back to Stacy. “How did you know? Is he a regular?”