Shannon’s eyes ran over the three men. Bikers, obviously, but a different club. These weren’t Evil Dead, or even that other club she’d seen, the Dead Souls. One of them turned his back briefly to keep a lookout and scope the area. When he did, she noticed the colors on the back of his cut. The patch in the center was a depiction of a devil’s face with a pair of crossed pitchforks underneath. The top rocker said, Devil Kings. She didn’t get a chance to read the state on the bottom rocker before he turned back. He was a big man with brown hair to his shoulders, the top section pulled back in a hair band with the rest left hanging down. Her eyes swept to the other two. A guy with a bald head stood to the right. The one in the center was obviously this group’s leader. He was a handsome man, good-looking even. He had short dark hair and a close trimmed goatee that surrounded a sexy white smile. But, something about him was just plain evil. When she’d looked into his eyes, they were empty. Soulless. His eyes slid over her from head to toe, missing nothing before they moved to Crash who had gone rock solid at her side.

“Hey, Crash.”


“Who’s the lovely lady?” Taz asked, his eyes running up and down Shannon a second time. His voice was deep and smooth. “I see you still have a thing for blondes. Hell, you Evil Dead brothers always seem to find the best lookin’ women. I’ll give you that.”

“Yeah,” the guy standing to the right of Taz replied. “Taz, you remember that other one from a few years back—the one Big Ed had us tattoo?”

Taz nodded. “Yeah, Pepper, sure do. The night Cole’s ol’ lady got stamped.” Then he lifted his chin at Crash. “I think that was the last time I saw you. Outside Stumpy’s Tattoo parlor. You remember that night, Crash?”

“Yeah, I remember.”

“What ever happened to her?”

“They’re married. Got three kids.”

“You don’t say. Go figure. Guess it all worked out then, huh?”

“You want something?”

Taz’s eyes strayed to Shannon. “I don’t know. You might have something I want.” He leaned in resting his arm on the slot machine.

Shannon felt Crash’s warm strong hand close around her wrist as he stepped in front of her, pulling her behind him. “You gonna start something right here in the middle of a Casino, Taz? Didn’t take you for a fool.”

“I’m not a fool. I know how to bide my time.”

Crash looked over Taz’s shoulder and spotted a casino boss walk by, spot them, pause and say something into his earpiece. Taz followed Crash’s eyes, turning and straightening. A moment later, several burly bouncers appeared. “Is there a problem, gentlemen?”

Taz turned his head and smiled. “No problem, sir. We were just leaving.” He turned back to Crash. “See ya ‘round.”

After they left, Shannon looked up at him, fear in her eyes and the glass in her hand shaking. “Who was that?”

“A real mean son-of-a-bitch. C’mere.” He slowly took the drink from her hand and turned her to face him as her eyes pooled. He took her in his arms, and she clung to him, burying her face in his neck. He spoke into her hair. “Baby, I know you’re scared, and you feel like you’re gonna fall apart on me, but I need you to be strong. I need to get you out of here. Now, Shannon.” Crash took her by the hand and began pulling her toward the rear of the casino and out a side exit.

“Crash.” Her voice shook.

“I’m here, baby. I’m right here. You’re doing fine. Come on, stay with me.” He pulled her along, practically running. “Keep up with me. Can you do that, baby? I need you to concentrate.” Goddamn. The last thing he needed was a run in with the fucking Devil Kings.

He quickly pulled Shannon to the parking garage where they’d left the bike, all the while keeping a close eye out for

those sons-of-bitches. Stopping abruptly, he tugged her around to face him, his voice deadly serious. “If we run into them again, if they run us down, you keep quiet and do whatever I tell you, understand?” She nodded, and he searched her eyes. “If the worst happens and they get ahold of you, you do not fight. You understand what I’m sayin’ to you, Princess? You submit. I’m tellin’ you this because it’ll keep you alive.”

“Crash.” Her lip trembled.

“Do you understand?”

She nodded, a tear running down her cheek. “Are they going to get ahold of me?” She searched his eyes.

He stared down at her a moment, and then shook his head, promising, “It’ll be over my dead body.” He paused, and then continued, “I’m sorry for dragging you here, Shannon.”

“I’m not sorry, Crash. I’m glad I’m with you.”

Crash got Shannon on the bike and headed to a no-tell motel on the edge of town. As they got close, he spotted the three DK’s pick up his tail.


There was no way he was leaving Shannon alone and unprotected with these guys around. Changing the game plan on the fly, he made a right at the next light. They followed. Fuck. He took several more turns trying unsuccessfully to lose them and finally roared up onto Interstate 80 and headed east out of town. They raced through the desert night.