“Force it down your throat?”

“I’m just saying I respect her for not just turning up pregnant and making me deal with it, when she knew I didn’t want that.”

Shannon nodded, thinking about how good he was with Melissa, she’d thought he’d make a great father someday. She’d never expected that he didn’t want kids.

He looked over at her. “You’re being quiet.”

It was her turn to shrug. “Just surprised, I guess.”

“Surprised? How?”

“I just didn’t expect that. That you didn’t want kids. The way you are with Melissa, I never would have thought you didn’t want to be a father.”

“Shannon, that was then.”

She looked at him blankly.

“That was years ago. Before Melissa came into my life. Things change. I’ve changed.”

“So, now…”

“I think about it sometimes. I’m not gonna lie, it still scares the shit outta me, but I think I’m in a place now in my life where I could see it as a possibility.”

She rolled to her back and grinned. “You know accidents happen, even if you’re careful.”

“Not if you remember to take that pill every day, they don’t.” His eyes bored into hers.

“Crash, even if it’s taken conscientiously, things happen. There are some antibiotics that can reduce the pills effectiveness and-”

“Yeah, and all that shit’s spelled out in the paperwork that comes with the prescription.”

She laughed. “I take it you’ve read it all.”

“Damn straight, I have. Haven’t you?”

She nodded.

He studied her for a while. “Don’t be one of those women, Shannon.”

“What women?”

“Women who turn up pregnant without having that conversation with their partner, without it being what they both want.”

“I wouldn’t do that.”

“Do you want a baby, sweetheart?”

She looked away. “Someday.”

He brought her chin back to him. “Shannon, do you want a baby?”

“I…I hadn’t really thought about it.”

“Then why is this bothering you?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. It’s just hearing you talk about not wanting kids. I guess it’s making me think about it.”

“It’s making you realize you do want kids.”