Shannon looked down, running her finger around the rim of her glass. “I…I’m really starting to like him. He takes care of me. Makes me feel safe and protected.”

“Besides that,” Angel pressed.

She shrugged. “He won’t take my crap. He calls me on it. No one has ever done that before. And he makes me laugh.”

“I think it’s sweet that he’s waiting,” Angel told Shannon. “Don’t you?”

“Yes. It’s sweet, but...”

“But what?”

“What if he breaks my heart?”

“What if he doesn’t?”

Shannon shrugged.

“Are you attracted to him?”

Shannon got a shy smile and blushed.

“You want to jump his bones,” Crystal observed with a grin.

“He’s making it difficult not to want him,” Shannon admitted.

“Hmm, maybe you need to make it just as difficult for him. Turn it up a little.”

“What do you mean?”

“I think this calls for a run to the mall for some major lingerie shopping,” Angel suggested.

“Oh, no…I don’t think I need to tempt the tiger anymore.”

“What about when he wins the fight?”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you have something special to wear? At least some sexy underwear for when he peels those clothes off? I mean, the boys gonna fight for you. He deserves for you to make it a little special, don’t you think?” Crystal asked.

“I guess that would be nice.”

Angel got up. “I’m going to go get some more queso. We’re going to finish this pitcher, then we’re heading to the mall.”

Crystal and Shannon watched her walk back inside.

While they had a moment alone Shannon thought it a good time to bring up what happened at the clubhouse party Friday night. “So, you and Wolf. Was Cole angry?”

“No, he was cool. I thought he was going to blame me for the trouble. I should have known better. Cole’s not like that. He was more concerned for me than anything else. I think he did have words with Wolf, though.”

“So, you and Wolf?”

“Yeah, me and Wolf.” Crystal looked down. “Please don’t tell Angel. I’ll never hear the end of it.”

“Of course not.” Shannon wasn’t sure what else to say, so she kept quiet.

Crystal continued in a soft voice, “Cole’s right. I can’t keep letting him use me like that.”

“Was that how it was? Is that all you think he was doing? Why would he be jealous if all he was doing was using you? Why would he care? Because obviously he does least on some level.”