“Humor me. Let’s go over it again.”

“I’m just destroying his office, not the whole club. I got it, Crash. Relax.”

Crash took a deep breath. “You fuck this up--”

“I’m not gonna fuck this up.”

There was only one car left in the lot, Artie’s Cadillac. The back door opened, and they watched as Artie stepped out, locked the door and hustled to his car. When he pulled out of the lot, it was 3am.

They waited ten minutes, and then Crash nodded to Wolf and Green. All dressed in black, they both pulled black ski masks down over their faces and ran to the back of the building.

Crash and Red Dog watched as Wolf immediately cut the power then disabled the alarm and security cameras. Green went to work on the door. He attached the explosives, and he and Wolf retreated around the side of the building as the C-4 blew open the door.

No alarms sounded.

The two black-clad figures disappeared quickly through the door that had been blown ajar. They were inside for about two minutes. Crash kept checking the time and watching for police. “Fuck, this is taking too long.”

“Here they come.” Red Dog nodded towards the door. The two came out and ran full out across the lot, jumping down into the ditch with Crash and Red Dog. The four men all watched the building, waiting for the explosion.

Nothing happened.

Crash looked over at Green with a questioning look on his face.

They both looked back at the building.

Nothing happened.

“How much time did you give it?” Crash asked.

“Should be any second now,” Green replied.

The four men stared at the building. Still nothing happened.

Crash turned to glare at Green. “Seriously, brother?”

“Give it a second.”

“We gonna be here all night?” Red Dog asked sarcastically.

“Fuck, Green, it’s not…” Crash began when a huge explosion rocked the building, blasting through the roof and collapsing the entire rear left of the building. “Holy shit! Jesus Christ, Green! What the fuck did you do?”

“Oops. Guess that was a support post.”

“Ya think?” Crash growled.

“You moron,” Wolf exclaimed.

“We should have known it’d all go to hell, Green was involved.” Red Dog looked at Crash.

“Sorry, guys. Guess that was my bad,” Green admitted. “It’s my fault.”

“Imagine that.” Red Dog rolled his eyes.

Green pounded his forehead with his fist. “God, I’m so stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.”

“Stop calling yourself stupid, you’re gonna ruin it for the rest of us,” Wolf barked.

“Yeah, and quit smacking yourself. Leave some for Cole. He’s gonna want to beat you bloody for this.”