“Nitroglycerin?” Crash prompted.

“Yeah, that’s the stuff.”

“Jesus Christ.” Crash turned to Red Dog. “Tell me, please, he can pull this off. C-4 can be dangerous shit.”

Red Dog grinned back at him. “Don’t think of it as highly dangerous, think of it as extremely difficult.”

“Oh, that makes me feel so much more confident in his abilities,” Crash replied

“I’d rather handle that than be the one to take out the security cameras,” Wolf grumbled. “Fuck. Why am I always the one that gets on camera?”

“Cause your pretty face will make the best mug-shot,” Crash retorted.

“Don’t worry, Wolf. We’ll get you the best lawyers that money can buy,” Red Dog assured.

“And the best witnesses money can buy, too,” Green teased.

A rumble of laughter passed among them.

“He’s got a problem, though,” Red Dog informed Crash, nodding toward Green.

Crash looked over at Green and back at Dog. “He’s got a lot of problems, which one are you referring to?”

Dog grinned. “He can’t pick that lock. Artie installed a steel plate.”


“He’s gonna have to blow it.”

Cole nodded. “Damn it.”

“It’s the only way,” Dog reiterated.

“Ok, I realize we gotta blow it, but that’s gonna take finesse.”

“Green didn’t bring any of that,” Red Dog said straight-faced.

Wolf muffled his laughter.

Crash tried to keep a straight face. He dropped his head. “Fuckin’ hell. Try and be serious boys.”

“I’m bein’ serious.”

“Okay, you’re not helping.”


Crash looked to Green. “You know what you’re doin’?”

“Sure. I got this. Blew my way through Bagdad, didn’t I?”

“This ain’t a crumbling mud house, that door’s reinforced steel.”

“I got it.”

“After you blow the door open, you know the plan?”

“Yeah. I know the plan.”