“What, here?”

“Sure.” He watched her, almost daring her to back out. Finally she hopped up on the end and lie back. He lifted his chin toward her torso, and she swallowed and pulled her shirt hem up to her bra, revealing her flat stomach, that sexy-as-hell piercing and about two inches below her navel to the waistband of her low riding shorts.

He smiled at her. “Damn, baby, but you’re a pretty sight lying there. Gives a man all kinds of ideas.”

“The dare was a belly shot, nothing more.”

He poured the golden liquor into her navel, and she jumped at the coldness. “Easy, darlin’, or there’ll be tequila in all kinds of places you may not want my tongue…just yet.”

She held as still as possible under the threat, and he imagined she was picturing the scene he’d just described. She trembled.

He hesitated, poised over her, and he caught her eye. “You’re trembling, baby. Imagining my tongue on you?” Before she could answer, his mouth was there, drinking up the liquor. His soft beard brushing against her softer skin, tickling. His tongue lapped at her, until he got up every drop. He rose up, his face above hers. “Delicious, baby. Nectar of the Gods.”

“Can I get up now? Are you done?”

“Not by a long shot, but yeah, you can get up.” He took her hand and helped her up and off the table. “Your turn, Princess.”

“Truth or Dare?” she asked him.

“Truth,” he replied, almost afraid what kind of dare she’d throw at him, the fire still in her eyes.

“Do you even like me?” she snapped immediately.

He wasn’t ready for that question and blinked. “The truth? Yes and no. I don’t like the stuck-up, rich-bitch attitude you walked in here with that first day. I don’t like that you think you’re incapable of doing things—or maybe it’s that you think you’re above doing them.”

She turned to stomp away. “I’ve heard enough.”

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, having seen the flash of hurt in her eyes. He continued, “But there are parts I like a hell of a lot, Shannon. Your sweet side, when you show it. Your vulnerable side, when you let me see it. God knows you’re nosey, always getting into trouble, but you’re adorable when you admit you don’t have a clue what you’re doing, and you try anyway. I like your courage in getting through what you’ve been through. And I like your pretty body, especially that soft, lick-able belly.”

She tried to stay mad, but his words had touched her. She hadn’t a clue he’d thought those things, any of those things.

“That a good enough answer?”

She nodded.

“Truth or Dare, Shannon?”


“When you sleep in my bed, do you ever think about what it’d be like to let me fuck you?”

Her mouth parted, and her eyes met his.

“The truth, Shannon.”

“Yes, I’ve thought about it.”

“Good, because I think about it every damn time you crawl in it.” He poured a shot.

“Truth or Dare?”

He leaned against the pool table. “Truth.”

“When was your first time?”

“What, sexually? The first time I ever fucked? Fifteen. But that wasn’t the best.” He downed another shot.

“Tell me.”