Crystal looked over at her. Shannon turned to her when she felt her gaze upon her. Noting the puzzled look on Crystal’s face, she asked, “It’s pretty obvious, don’t you think?”

Crystal looked back at the couple. “Maybe.”

A moment later she leaned in close to whisper in Shannon’s ear as she gestured toward Crash over by the pool table. He was leaning against the wall, with a cue in his hand, but his eyes weren’t on the game, they were on Shannon. “See that look? He’s thinking about you on your knees, with your pretty mouth on his cock.”

“Crystal!” Shannon squeaked. She thought Crystal was teasing her, but when Crash did turn those silver-grey eyes on her, the look he gave her made her want to fall to her knees.

Crystal leaned in to whisper another tidbit in a sing-song voice. “And he’s not the only one.”

Shannon sucked in a breath and followed the line of her glance. There was a table full of men watching her. Their greedy smiles told her they were imagining doing things far more explicit. It made her want to run back to the safety of Crash’s protection.

Crash watched Shannon walking toward him, smiling, her golden hair flowing. Goddamn, she was sexy. My girl. The words flitted through his mind unbidden. He wanted nothing more than to tug her close when she reached him, but she shocked him by beating him to it and walking right into his arms, her hands running up his cut to rest on his shoulders. She smiled up at him. Then her hands slid down, and her arms snaked around his waist. It was like she wanted every guy in the place to see she was with him. To believe she belonged to him.

It had him so taken aback that he went momentarily stock still. Then his arm closed around her, pulling her up against him. “Hey, baby. You okay?”

“I’m fine.”

His eyes skated past her to where she’d been. He didn’t miss the lascivious looks from several of the men, and then he understood. She’d sought him out to feel protected. So maybe it hadn’t been what he’d first thought, but that was okay. He’d take it.

Cole had caught the whole scene, had watched as Shannon wrapped her arms around his brother’s waist as though she found security and reassurance in just being close to him. They were already bonding…Angel had been right when she’d predicted that Shannon would start to depend on Crash for her safety and would start to trust him. But was what she was starting to feel for him just temporary, driven by the circumstances and nothing more? He just hoped Crash didn’t get in over his head with this girl. When the time came, she’d go back to her life, and the last thing he wanted was his brother left shredded in the process.

Red Dog disengaged from the woman that had been hanging on him most of the night. “Rosalie, let loose. I gotta take a piss.” He pecked her on the forehead and walked off.

Shannon watched him wander away from the pool tables and head toward the back hall. Then she sidled up to Rosalie. She had long dark hair in tight curls that hung to her waist and dark eyes. “Have you known Red Dog long?”

Rosalie looked her up and down. “Long enough. What’s it to you?”


know he’s married, right?” Shannon asked.

“Who the fuck are you? His ol’ lady?”


“Then what the fuck’s it to you?”

“He’s got a wife and a kid.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So? So maybe you should leave him alone.” Shannon couldn’t believe this girl’s attitude.

“And maybe you should mind your own goddamn business, slut.” Rosalie got right in Shannon’s face

“Slut? Who are you calling a slut, you little skank!” Shannon’s control snapped, and she shoved Rosalie back. Rosalie went after her, going for her throat with her long nails, and suddenly Shannon was in a cat fight with this girl. They shoved and slapped and scratched at each other.

The next thing she knew, both their heads were being yanked apart by the hair. Trying to twist her head to see who had a hold of her, she only managed to get the hand fisted in her hair to tighten and jerk, separating them further. She heard Cole growl, “Crash, come get your girl.”


Crash was leaning against the next pool table over, talking with Jake and Shane. He’d heard the scuffle behind him about the same time he heard Cole growl his name. Twisting his head to see what was going on, he was stunned and pushing off the table in the next moment. What the hell did Shannon think she was doing?

He gritted his teeth as he moved around the table. She was testing him, the little minx. She probably didn’t have a clue that she was, that the gauntlet had just been thrown down in front of all his brothers, but it had. She was acting out in a way that was not tolerated here, and now he had to do something about it. Was expected to deal with her. The crowd in the immediate area around them went silent, stepping back as he strode to her.

“Come here, troublemaker.” Crash’s big warm hand closed over her bicep and pulled her around as Cole released her. He forced her a few steps back. Her chin went up, defiant. Crash’s eyes landed on the wicked looking scratch that cut across her throat. He took her jaw gently in his hand and tilted her head back. “Shit, sweetheart. You’re bleeding.”

He knew Shannon saw his eyes lift, going over her head to connect with Rosalie, where they stayed while he asked, “Cole, can I get your keys?”