Cole grinned at her. “Don’t worry, darlin’. I’m sure I’ll think of a way she can pay me back when I get home tonight.”

Shannon gave him a saucy grin back. “Yes, she told me Friday nights were her favorite night of the week.”

Cole’s grin got bigger. “She did, did she?”

“Um hmm. And I’m sure whatever payback you come up with will be happily paid.”

Cole burst out laughing. “Glad to hear it.”

Cajun walked up, obviously already shit-faced drunk, he threw his arm around Green and gave him a big kiss on the cheek saying, “I love you, man.”

Green grinned back at him. “I love you, too, you drunk-ass motherfucker.”

Red Dog suggested, “Why don’t you two run outside and carve your initials into a tree.”

The guys burst out laughing, and Green shoved Cajun off him.

Shannon took another sip of her drink, her eyes scanning the room, until they landed on a jukebox against the far wall. It was currently blaring some heavy metal. Crash must have noticed, because the next thing she knew, he was pulling out a five dollar bill and handing it to her. He nodded toward the jukebox. “Go play something.”

She took the money and got up.

He watched her stroll through the room toward the jukebox. Her ass swaying as she moved languidly, and he longed to put his hands on those hips and ass. Hell, he longed to do a lot more than that. She was going to be the death of him.

She fed the money into the machine and leaned to make her selections.

Crash studied her from across the room. His eyes roving over her ass as she bent to look at the jukebox. He knew every guy in the place was doing the same thing. That was proved true when he turned back to the table and saw Cole and Red Dog staring over at her.

He kicked Dog’s chair under the table. “Quit drooling.”

“Damn, man. You’re a lucky son-of-a-bitch. What’re you so grouchy about? You got a babe with long blonde hair, tits and ass. What’s not to love?”

“Yeah, really,” Cole swirled the ice in the bottom of his nearly empty glass. “A beautiful blonde bombshell. That pretty much tops every guy’s wet-dream list.”

Red Dog studied Crash a moment. “Wait a minute, don’t tell me you’re still not hittin’ that.”

“Shut the fuck up, Dog,” Crash replied.

“Guess there’s your answer,” Cole teased.

“That’s one high-class piece of tail. She tries to dress trashy, and she still looks classy,” Red Dog continued singing Shannon’s praises.

“She’s not just some piece of ass, guys. So, just shut it.”

Cole’s expression sobered. “You getting serious, brother?” When Crash didn’t answer, he kept on. “The upkeep on a woman like that…you kiddin’ me?”

“She’s drivin’ me crazy. Hell, I’m out of my mind most of the time.”

Cole grinned. “She get that fire goin’, does she?”

Crash let out a short laugh. “Brother, she can light my fire with just one touch. Hell, just by walking in the goddamn room.”

Cole chuckled. “You bite off a little more than you could chew, brother?”

“Yeah. I think I did.”

Shannon returned to the table. The guys started a game of pool, and they soon all moved to some stools near the wall. Crash convinced Shannon to partner with him. Her father had a table at their home, so she surprised him with her skill. She also noticed he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off her when she leaned over to make her shots.

Bending to make a shot, Shannon felt a hard smack on her ass and whirled around. There stood Crystal, with a teasing grin on her face. “You look hot, girl! H-O-T, hot! I knew that outfit would be killer on you.”