There, standing near the door was Shannon, but she sure as hell wasn’t the Shannon he knew. This hot little number was something straight out of a biker’s wet dream. His eyes swept over her, taking in the decadent outfit. She was wearing a pair of low-rider black leather pants that hit a couple inches below her belly-button. They fit her like a glove, showing off the alluring curve of her hips, the endless length of her legs and flaring in a boot-cut that covered what looked like a sparkly pair of spike heeled sandals. His eyes trailed back up over the vast expanse of exposed belly, and what a gorgeous stomach it was. All smooth flat golden skin.

Something sparkled, and his eyes zeroed in on it. Good God, she had her belly button pierced. This was the first time her belly had been laid bare to him. Crash had a thing for piercings there, they really did it for him. He sucked in a breath, his eyes continuing their track up her body.

Her breasts were contained in a leather halter top that plunged to the bottom of her breasts, and then covered a couple of inches below the band under her breasts. A zipper ran up the front. The soft supple leather gleamed in the dim lighting as it hugged the round fullness of her tits. Her toned arms bared and free of ink, a rarity among the women here. To top it all off, her hair was left down to fall in silken waves over her shoulders and back.

Jesus H. Christ.

She had a way of making black leather pants look smokin’ hot and classy. The combination suited him just fine. Unfortunately, he wasn’t the only one who’d noticed. The crowd’s attention had shifted to her as well.

Shannon watched as he turned and spotted her. A split-second later, he was walking toward her. From the roll of his broad shoulders to the rock of his hips, he had the sexiest walk she’d ever seen. Self-confidence emanated from him in waves. He stopped two feet in front of her, his eyes capturing hers in a penetrating stare that lasted several heartbeats before he finally spoke.

“Hey trouble.”

She’d been holding her breath, waiting for his reaction, but his casual teasing set her at ease. She let out a breath she hadn’t known she was holding, and then she rolled her eyes at the nickname.

“That’s some outfit. It’s about as much as I can take.” His eyes skated down her body. “That’s one gorgeous package, right down to your pretty painted toes, Princess.

She lifted her chin.

“I wasn’t sure you’d show up,” Crash admitted.

“Then maybe you don’t know me very well,” she responded.

“Uh-huh. We’ll see.” He stepped closer, his hand reaching up to brush a strand of hair back. Scrutinizing her a moment, he said in a voice that was quiet but firm, “Look, I know you don’t like this. I don’t either. But you’ll be fine. Relax.”

She nodded.

“Come on, pretty girl.” He took her by the hand and turning, pulled her after him. They moved through the crowd. Shannon could hear comments being made about her from several of the men they passed.

“How many drinks you think it’d take for her to leave with me?”

“Damn, I want to get me some of that.”

Shannon wasn’t sure if Crash heard them, if he did, he chose to ignore them. That is until a man stepped in front of them, blocking their path through the crowd and asked, “Crash, she one of Sonny’s girls?”

The guy next to him asked, “Yeah, you gonna dance for us, darlin’?”

Without even slowing down, Crash slammed his palm in the center of the first man’s chest, propelling him backwards over one of the pool tables. Crash’s boot hooked the second man under the legs, while his arm knocked him off balance, shoving him down to the floor.

He continued on, pulling a stunned Shannon behind him. They stopped at a table in the back where Cole now sat with Red Dog.

Red Dog spoke to Cole, his eyes running between Crash and Shannon. “He’s feelin’ a bit bloody tonight, ain’t he?

Cole nodded, grinning. “He’s about to get his pissed-off on.”

“Shut it, Cole,” Crash snapped as he pulled out a chair for Shannon and took a seat next to her.

Cole smiled, and then turned his attention to Shannon. “Hey, darlin’. You’re looking beautiful tonight. But then, you always do.”

She smiled. “Thank you. Do you think you could keep Crash from killing someone while I’m here?”

He chuckled. “I’ll see what I can do.” Then he turned to Crash. “Hear that, Romeo?

Crash grunted noncommittally.

Cole winked at her. “Dog, gra

b us a couple more glasses.” Red Dog moved off to the bar, returning a moment later with two short tumblers. He set them on the table and sat back down. Cole picked up the bottle of bourbon already sitting on the table and poured them all another shot. He picked one up and handed it to Shannon. “Bottoms up, darlin’.”