Crash pulled the little red stir-stick that he’d been chewing on out of his mouth. “Yeah? What do I need to talk to her about?”

“Ask her about…” he looked away. “About the day she was taken.”

“There something you need to share?”

“She needs to be the one to tell you. It’s her story.”

“And after she tells me this story, what then?”

“Then you’ll know.”

“Know what, Cole?”

Cole looked Crash in the eye. “You’ll understand what you’re dealing with.”

“Christ, you’re a cryptic son-of-a-bitch.” Crash downed his coffee and moved off to the table where Mack sat with Jake and Shane.

Cole watched his retreating back, knowing if anyone could help this girl through the shit she was dealing with, it was Crash. Cole shook his head. Damn, he hated when Angel was right.


Nicklaus Ralston sat in downtown San Francisco traffic in the back of a limousine, double-parked on Market Street. A moment later a well-dressed gentleman climbed inside. The man looked from Nicklaus to the other gentleman in the car who sat across from them.

“Good of you to join me, Collins,” Nicklaus said with a smile.

“You didn’t give me much choice,” the banker stated, his eyes narrowing.

Nicklaus’s smile widened. “I didn’t, did I?”

Collins swallowed. “Your threats were-”

Nicklaus cut him off with a wounded look. “I made no threats, Collins. I merely stated a series of events that would possibly take place if I didn’t receive your…cooperation.”

Collins snorted. “A serious of events? Is that what you call it? Threatening to pull your accounts. Threatening to use your influence to slander my name…”

“Now, now, Collins. Don’t be so melodramatic. We’ve reached an agreement.” Nicklaus nodded toward the file that Collins held. “If you manage to appease me with the information I requested, they’ll be no need for such…unpleasantness.”

“I’ve known Shannon Taylor since she was a child. Her family has done business with this bank for years. Breaking this confidence isn’t easy for me.” Collins glared at him.

Nicklaus smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I understand completely. Would it assure you if I told you I only have Miss Taylor’s best interests at heart? I intend to marry the young lady. I’m worried she’s being led astray by someone who does not have her best interests at heart, but rather is concerned only with her fortune. Surely, you can understand my worry. She’s been reported missing. Her own family is worried sick about her. Well, sir?” he cocked a brow, waiting.

Collins hesitated, but reluctantly handed over the file.

Nicklaus opened the folder, examining the file. His eyes flared before he glanced up at Collins. “That will be all, sir. Thank you for your cooperation.”

The banker exited the limo with all haste.

Nicklaus handed the file to the other man in the limousine, his private investigator. “Find out everything you can on a Mr. Cole Austin.”

The private investigator took the file and flipped it open, studying the document inside. His gaze lifted to Nicklaus. “Of course. I’ll get right on it.”

Nicklaus’s head jerked to the door, his anger rolling off him. “Piss off.”

“Yes, sir.” The detective exited the limousine.

Nicklaus waved the driver on. His eyes stared unseeing out the window as the city streamed past, and he silently fumed. Was there another man in Shannon’s life?

Who the bloody hell was Cole Austin?