Crash blew out a stream of smoke. “She came to Cole for help. Has an ex-boyfriend stalking her. Felt she couldn’t go to the police. Whatever.” Cole waved his cigarette in the air, dismissing that part of the story. “Cole wasn’t about to bring this shit to the club or bring her home. I volunteered. Here we are.”

Mack puffed on his cigar, studying Crash. His eyebrows rose. “That’s it?”

“Pretty much.”


Crash looked off at the horizon, not believing for a second that Mack was gonna let this go.

“So, you’re not hittin’ that?”

Crash took another drag off his smoke. “I don’t kiss and tell.”

A broad smile cut across Mack’s face. “Looked to me like you were relegated to the couch. Don’t look like there’s any kissin’ to tell, brother.”

Crash gritted his teeth. “No, I guess not.”

Mack took several more puffs on his cigar. Then he pulled it from his mouth and studied it. “Bring her to the BBQ at the clubhouse Sunday.”

Crash’s gaze swung to him. He was stunned speechless. “What?”

“You heard me.”

For lack of any desire to make matters worse with Mack, he agreed. “All right.”

“You do know she’s a missing person, right?”

“Saw it on the news last night. Had her call the cops, tell ‘em it was all a misunderstanding, and she’s fine.”

“Uh-huh.” Mack studied him. “Seems like there’s more to this story.”

“I think there probably is. More than either of us is getting.”

He grinned. “Well, nothing like a little intrigue to keep things interesting.”

They both smoked and studied the horizon.

Crash finally broke the silence. “So, you’re good with this.”

“Didn’t say that. You watching out for her, I’m good with. You and Cole keepin’ shit from me, I am not good with.” He puffed on his cigar. “That will be dealt with.”

Crash nodded. “Fair enough.”

“Oh, there ain’t gonna be anything fair about it. If there’s a shit detail, you and Cole are gonna be on it. Don’t for a minute doubt that.”


“Go get your house guest. I want to talk to her.”



Crash blew out a breath. Flicking his smoke into the alley below, he rose and went inside.

Two minutes later, Crash and Shannon emerged onto the roof. She followed behind him, the coffee mug still clutched in her hand. Crash stopped next to his chair and waved for her to take a seat. She threw him a nervous glance, and then looked over at Mack.

“Good morning,” she murmured, taking a seat.