They loaded onto the elevator, and Crash slammed the gate behind them. He smiled through the bars at Dog and said, “Later, Tater.”

Dog smiled and shook his head as the elevator descended. Crash could see Green shove Wolf, and then Wolf shove him back saying to Dog, “Can’t we put him to sleep?”

“We tried,” Dog replied. “The vet wouldn’t take him.”

Crash chuckled as he walked to the control panel and put in the code for the garage door to open.

After the bikes rolled out, he went to get Shannon. It was time for her to make a phone call.

He found her setting an armful of beauty and hair products down on the bathroom vanity. How the hell did all that stuff fit in that one bag? It’s like twenty clowns piling out of a clown car. He glanced around, her crap was now cluttered all over his bathroom.

Jesus Christ.

“You really need all this shit, babe?”

She set down what must have been armful number two and turned to him. “Yes. My God, I’m living out of one bag. I’ve never done that in my life.”

“Yeah, I bet there’s a lot of firsts you’re gonna experience stayin’ with me.” She rolled her eyes at him. He glanced down again at all the bottles. “You don’t need all this shit, babe.”

“Yes. I do.”

“No. You don’t. You think you do, but you don’t. You’re a beautiful woman, Shannon. Drop-dead gorgeous.”

She looked up at him, her face softening at his sweet compliment. “Crash.”

Ah, Christ. “Fine, whatever. Just don’t leave it all over my bathroom.”

“Yes, sir,” she teased with a salute.

He grinned. “I like that.”


“You. Being all obedient for a change. ‘Yes, sir.’ That’s got a nice ring to it.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t get used to it.”

He chuckled. “Come on,” he took her by the hand and led her out of the bathroom. “You’ve got a phone call to make.”

She trailed behind him. “I do?”

He led her to the kitchen and opened a drawer. It was filled with disposable phones. He pulled one out and popped a battery into it, activating it. Then he turned and held it out to her. “Call home. Let them know you’re all right.”

“What?” She glanced from him to the phone in his hand. “No.”

“Yes. Princess, your car and phone were abandoned at a mall yesterday. Your family is gonna think the worst. We don’t need the police involved in a missing persons report and your picture splashed all over the news.”

“Crash…I can’t.”

“Yes. You can. You have to.”

She just stared at the phone.

“Babe, seriously? Not even for your mother?” Her eyes looked up and met his. And he watched them glaze over. And then she took the phone.

“What do I say?” she whispered.

“Just tell them not to worry. Tell them you’re okay. That you just need some time away.”