“Ah, we’re back to that ‘man-like-me’ stuff, huh?”

She rolled her eyes.

He grinned, looking back at the horizon. “Angel found it.”


“The bed. Angel found it at some estate sale. Insisted I was the only person she knew with a space big enough for it.”

“So you bought it? Just because of that?”

He shrugged. “She sorta had her heart set on finding it a home. I needed a bed. It made her happy, so…”

“So you bought it.”


Amazing. Who would do something like that? Just to make a woman, a woman that wasn’t even his woman by the way, happy. She frowned. He really wasn’t adding up to be who she thought. Trying to bend him back into the man she expected him to be, she asked snidely, “Bet the women just love it.”

“The women?”

She gave him a look. There were women. The way he looked, there were lots. “Yes, the women.”

“You fishing for a number, Shannon?”

She huffed out a breath. “I’m sure it’d be astronomical.”

He gave a short laugh. “Pleased to hear you think I’m such a babe magnet.”

“You’re hot, and I’m sure you know it.”

“I’m hot, huh?”

She rolled her eyes. “Stroking your ego is not my job here.”

“Princess, now you’ve got me thinking about you stroking something.”

“God, you’re a Neanderthal!”

He grinned. “Deep down, most men are, darlin’, even the one’s wearin’ a suit and tie.”

“Right. They may think those things, but they don’t say them.”

“Oh, I guarantee you they’re thinking them. Especially, anytime you’re in the vicinity.”

She looked at him with raised eyebrows. “Oh, so now you’re saying I’m hot?”

“Babe, you know you are. What’s worse, you use it to manipulate men into getting your way.”

“Well, you don’t think too much of me, do you?”

“Didn’t think I’d made that a secret.”

“My God, you have no filter at all!”

“I say what I mean. I don’t play games. You aren’t ever gonna have to guess how I feel about something, sweetheart.”

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