“Then let’s do it quick. She’s coming home today, Crash.”

Crash nodded.

“Who’s watching Shannon?” Mack asked.

“Wolf’s at the Batcave with her,” Crash replied.

Mack nodded. “Better let him know what’s goin’ on.”


Wolf’s cell went off. Shannon watched as he put it to his ear. She listened to the one-sided conversation.


Wolf’s eyes connected with her.

“That’s great. Monterey, huh? No shit. Seventeen Mile what? Oh.” Wolf chuckled. “She’s fine. Yeah, all right.”

Shannon eavesdropped and heard the words Monterey and Seventeen Mile, and then she remembered the place Nicklaus had taken her to one weekend a long time ago. An estate he’d rented. If Cole and Crash had gotten the information, they must think that was where Angel was.

Shannon knew what she had to do. If she was going to prevent bloodshed, she was going to have to beat them there. She looked at Wolf. But first she was going to have to get away from her guard. Her eyes went to her purse, and she had an idea.


“I can possibly help you with Taylor and checking to see if he’s in trouble with the SEC. But going after someone like Nicklaus Ralston? That’s a whole different ballgame.” The club’s attorney shook his head.

Cole looked at Mack. “We’re wasting time here.”

“Just listen to him.”

“You want Nicklaus Ralston on a silver platter, I get that. But getting access to a man like that? Shit.”

“We think we’ve got a lead on his location. We’re heading there now,” Crash informed him.

“Look, as your attorney, I don’t want to know if you are planning anything illegal. I just want to strongly caution you of the kind of man you’re dealing with.”

“I know exactly the kind of man I’m dealing with.” Cole replied, giving him a cold stare.

“Do you? Do you know his net worth? He’s not some low-life drug dealer, Cole. He’s a well-known public figure. His death would be investigated. Thoroughly. A man like that? Taking him out is not a smart decision. It would be…difficult.”

“Taking him out will be easy,” Cole growled.

“Okay, taking him out with no blow back would be difficult.”

“We through here?” Cole asked Mack.

“Cole, listen to the man. He’s right. We have to be smart about this.”


Tate sat on the edge of the counter in the control room. Movement on one of the screens caught his eye, and he pulled the lollipop he’d been sucking on out of his mouth. “Fuck.” He slapped the back of his hand on the shoulder of the man sitting in the chair in front of the banks of monitors. “Bradshaw, you seeing what I’m seeing?”

Strolling up the driveway, pretty as you please, was the woman Ralston had gone to so much trouble to get back.

“Shit. Let’s go.” Bradshaw jumped to his feet, his chair rolling back across the linoleum.

Tate followed him out, hoping this broad wasn’t about to fuck up everything he’d worked three months for. They met her in the driveway. Bradshaw drew his gun, but Tate knew it wasn’t necessary. She’d just walked into the lion’s den of her own free will. “Miss Taylor?”