Page 67 of The Third Girl

Our exit happens in a bit of a blur. Kennedy and Travis rush up the aisle amid wild cheers with their joined hands raised. Logan meets Laney at the center of the arch, and he puts his arm around his new wife as they walk together behind the bride and groom. That’s when Lucy catches my eye. I’m supposed to walk with her, but she gives a sharp jerk of her head before her eyes land on Skylar. Before I can object, my sneaky sister takes off up the aisle with Aidan in the carriage.Yep.She’s managed to leave me to exit with the woman everyone assumes is nothing more than Sailor’s nanny.

And sheisSailor’s nanny—but she’s so much more than that to me. I stride quickly toward her and help her from the chair with a sleeping Sailor snuggled against her chest. I wrap my arm around them both, pulling them close to my side in front of all the guests. My heart beats so damn fast as we walk past my parents, who are eyeing me with open curiosity, then turn and proceed up the aisle.

Because everyone present knows me as well as they know my brother, there’s a huge rising buzz of chatter in the audience.

“Matt?” Skylar murmurs as our gazes connect, each of us searching for answers to questions we haven’t yet had the chance to ask.

I see confusion in her eyes. But also, something that looks a lot like hope. And that’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for—what I’m desperate for. I tilt my head to hers, whispering softly against the wisps of hair escaping the braid at her crown. “It’s okay. Let them talk. What we are to each other is no one’s business but ours.”

She sucks in a breath, her wide eyes going soft with understanding. In the end, the only three people who have a say in any of this are Skylar, Sailor, and me.

I drop a kiss on my daughter’s head, my lips curving softly upward as I look at Skylar. I don’t know if she sees what’s written all over my face, but maybe she does. Because she smiles through the tears in her eyes.

At the double-door entrance to the building, Kennedy and Travis stand off to the side waiting to receive guests. It’s a tiny bit old-fashioned in my mind, but I can’t say I don’t want to congratulate my brother and his new wife. We wait a few moments while they exchange a few words and hugs with Logan and Laney, and then Lucy. I can’t stop the smile on my face when it’s our turn. I let go of Skylar for a moment to hug Kennedy, then my brother. “Congratulations. You two deserve all the best.”

Travis’s smile could light a million light bulbs. “It doesn’t feel real yet.” He turns, catches Kennedy’s chin in his hand, and softly kisses her.

Like I knew they eventually would, Travis and Kennedy’s gazes fall to Skylar. “Thank you for your help with our flower girl today.” Travis smiles kindly at the girl who’s made my heart beat again. He cocks his head to the side, winking at me. “And maybe for other things, too.” I suppose it’s obvious to them from the way I can’t stop myself from touching her that things might be moving in the right direction. There’s no denying what I feel for Skylar.

“Congratulations. It was a breathtaking ceremony.” Skylar swipes her fingers under her eyes and grins a bit sheepishly. “I always cry.”

Kennedy tilts her head to the side, emotion rising, and steps forward to hug Skylar and whisper something to her that I can’t make out. Whatever it is makes my girl teary-eyed again.

Noticing a line forming behind us, we leave the newlyweds to it and make our way inside. Logan and Laney are nowhere in sight, but Mick and Lucy talk quietly over in a corner of the foyer. Mick takes Aidan from my sister, bouncing him a bit when he whimpers.

We’ll have a few minutes to wait while the guests come in and head to the reception area before we go back outside for photos. I don’t want to leave Skylar’s side. In a low voice, I ask, “Do you mind staying with us while we take the group photos? Once we’ve done that, we can head to the reception while Kennedy and Travis finish up. Or something like that.” I shrug, running a hand over Sailor’s back. “Hopefully, when we wake this one up, she’ll be ready to go so we won’t get a bunch of photos with a grouchy little flower girl.”

Skylar slowly nods her head, though her brow’s pinched. “I’m happy to stay if that’s what you need.”

“Good. To be clear—it’s what Iwant.”I move my hand up to the back of her neck and bring her closer to me, then brush my lips against her temple.

“Matt—” She falters as she blinks up at me. “Is this really happening?”

I touch a few fingers to her chin, tilting her face to mine. “Yes.” I brush my lips over hers this time. “Let’s get through these photos, then we’ll find a way to talk for a few minutes.”

A shuddering sigh leaves her, and she nods, pretty pink lips curving into a smile. “I’d like that.”

Lucy wears a wide smile as she hurries over with Mick trailing behind. I have no clue if she saw the kiss or not, but she definitely notices the way I’m holding my girls. She comes to a stop next to us. “Well, that was a beautiful ceremony, but it looks like our ring bearer and flower girl are out cold. Should be fun to do photos.”

I chuckle. “You aren’t kidding. I think things are about to get crazy. I hope this photographer is ready for our crew.”

My sister glances from me to Skylar, fidgeting. “I’m trying to behave myself. But… I love the two of you. Together. Just so you know.”

One by one, my layers of worries are being peeled away. Skylar’s cheeks have turned a pretty shade of pink. I smirk at my sister’s antics. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Mick nudges Lucy. “We should see about a diaper change before the photos.”

“Yeah, okay.” She wrinkles her nose. “We’ll see you outside in a few.”

“Sounds good.”

Once we’re alone, I inhale deeply, meeting Skylar’s unsure gaze. “What do you want to do?”

“Um.” Skylar swallows, her eyes shifting to the bench beside us. “Maybe we can sit down?”

“Sure.” I reach for Sailor. “Here, lemme take her.” We manage the hand off like pros. Like we’re a team. Like she’s in this with me. Like she promised almost from the start. Sitting down, we watch as guests file into the reception room down at the other end of the hall.

A few minutes later, I observe a myriad of emotions passing over Skylar’s face. “Hey,” I rasp, waiting until she meets my eyes to finish. “I know I’ve put you through a lot.”

Skylar presses her lips together and nods, breathing carefully, her eyes trained on mine. “I’m sorry. I’m having trouble wrapping my mind around this. I walked away because you didn’t seem to be ready to really be with me. And now—” She presses her lips together, and inhales through her nose as she stares into my eyes.

“I want you to know, I respect the hell out of you for knowing what you need and recognizing that it was best for you to step away. And—”

“Hey, guys. You’re needed outside for some group photos.” The wedding coordinator gives us a semi-impatient smile.

I grimace inwardly at the interruption. “We’ll be right there.” After I give the woman a nod of understanding, she hustles away.

“Matt, I want so badly to believe that this is real, but—”

I clear my throat. “I know. We need to talk. And unfortunately, now is not the right time.” I blow out a hard breath, then stand and help her up, drawing her close to me again. Dipping my head next to her ear, I whisper, “Please trust me.”