Page 5 of The Third Girl

I’m still off in my head, thinking about summer days at the pool under an umbrella with a cool drink and a good book when Laney blows out a hard breath. “He needs help. He hasn’t had it easy since his wife passed away.”

My insides twist uncomfortably. I know that’s why he’s despondent and keeps to himself. And I don’t know much about Matt’s wife, but I do vaguely remember hearing about the car accident that took her life last year.

“Um, how much is he paying?”

“I don’t know.” Laney gives me a clenched grin. “Sorry.” She pulls out her phone. “What I do know is his phone number. Do you want me to send it to you?”

I pause, weighing my options of random waitressing or retail jobs that would probably suck the life out of me versus this gig that seems like a literal dream. I think the choice is clear. There’s not a reason in the world I shouldn’t snap up this opportunity.

“You should totally at least check him out.” Jackie stops, laughing, a devilish smile on her face. “Err. I mean checkitout. Thejob,I mean. Ha-ha. Sorry.”

Laney stifles a laugh before getting herself under control. “I thought about offering to keep her, but Logan and I—”

I interrupt, “Are newlyweds again. Don’t you dare feel badly about not taking on someone else’s kid.”

“Yeah. And, um”—Laney’s eyes flick to me, then to Jackie—“keep this on the downlow, but we’re trying to have a baby. Like actively.”

Oh, man.That’s huge with their history.

“Kennedy mentioned that she’d have loved to do it, too, but with the wedding, she was afraid it would be too much for her to handle.”

“I don’t blame either of you for wanting to maintain balance in your homes.” I take a deep breath, my decision made. “Okay, give me his number.”

Laney grins big and pushes her phone across the table to me. His contact is already pulled up. “I had a feeling you’d give it a shot.”

“I mean, the least I can do is have a conversation with him, right?” I plug his digits into my contacts, then take a deep breath and open up a new message thread.

Me:Hey, Matt. This is Skylar.

Me:Laney’s friend?

Oh great, now I sound like an idiot. But maybe he doesn’t have a clue who I am, even though I’ve been in three of those self-defense classes with him now. Flustered, I shoot him another message.

Me:Laney tells me you’re looking for some childcare assistance with Sailor.

Matt:You heard correctly.

Me:Can we talk after class this weekend?

Matt:Sounds good.

And then, there’s nothing.