Page 98 of An Assassin's Oath


"Goddamn it, Ezra!"

I jump, startled when Jian’s fist slams down on the dining table we were sitting at and everything on top rattles. I lift my gaze to his heated one and scowl at him. “Eat your fucking food.”

“I told you, I’m not hungry, but you insisted I join you. I don’t want to be here!” I retort hotly, and he rubs his jaw, agitation coming off of him in waves.

“Ezra, you are pressing on my last nerve. Don’t make me ask you again.” I avert my gaze from his and stare down at my hands clasped tightly in my lap.

“Or what? Will you kill me? Go right ahead. You’ll be doing me a goddamn favor.” I mutter bitterly and hear him exhale slowly, his eyes drilling into my forehead.

“I’ll do so much worse than kill you, my little dove.”

I roll my eyes in disdain, “Do your worst.” I sigh, jaded, push my chair back and stand ready to leave. Jian also rises, and before I could take three steps, his fingers wrap around my upper arm, and I’m yanked back against him.

“I don’t think you quite understand who it is you’re talking to, cariño.” He hisses menacingly in my ear, and I wince, trying to pull away from him, but his grip on me tightens.

“I am not your honey. I am not your little dove. And I couldn’t give a rat's ass about who you think you are.” I stare into his eyes. “You’re not as frightening as you seem to believe you are. I’m not afraid of you…culero.”

Jian smirks; his dark gaze flitters over my face. “You have a fiery temper, guapa. I just fucking love it.”

“Get your filthy hands off of me.” I gripe, jerking my arm out of his hold. “I’d soak up every second you have left on this earth if I were you, you little twit, because it won’t be long before Damien comes to get me, and that beast is far, far scarier than you.”

Jian laughs out loud and shakes his head. “He’ll be a dead man before his toe even touches the dirt of my front gate, mi amor.”

It was my turn to laugh, “Ahh, but that’s what makes him so dangerous…you won’t even know he’s coming. There’s a reason they call him ‘The Ghost’ after all. He doesn’t take it well or play nice when someone takes what’s his.” I declare, crossing my arms over my chest while glowering at him.

“You’re not his, Ezra. You are mine, and the sooner you accept that, the happier you will be here…the happier we will both be.” Jian expresses, taking a step toward me, and I back away from him.

“I would rather die than ever be yours.” I retort icily. “You’re wasting your time and mine by pursuing me. Let me go and pick one of the many women I’m sure would love to be your wife.”

“I don’t want them. I want you.” He responds, advancing toward me. “In time, you will learn to accept this, and you will love me.” He reaches out to touch me, but I hastily bat his hand away. He smirks and places his hands on the wall caging me in. “One night with me, baby girl, and I’ll have you singing a different tune.” I grimace and turn my face away from his, almost throwing up in my mouth. “I’ll make you come in ways you didn’t even know was possible.”

My eyes fly open when I hear the distinctive sound of a gun cocking. Jian stills, and his dark brown eyes grow wide. I turn my head and glance over his shoulder, and a slow breath of relief escapes me when I see Damien standing there, gun pressed to the back of Jian’s head.

A tight-fit plain white t-shirt splattered with bloodstains and black jeans. If I hadn't been so surprised to see him, I'd have swooned. His demeanor was fierce. He exuded power. Our eyes lock, and I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face. I never thought I’d be happier to see those steel eyes of his. He looks rough, his lip busted, and he’s got a cut on his temple trickling blood down the side of his face.

“Hey, pretty girl.”

“Hi, beast.”

"Let her go." Damien snarls gruffly. Jian’s eyes flash when he hears Damien's deep voice behind him, and he gently removes his hand off my arm and holds both his hands up in surrender. Damien jerks his head, gesturing me to him. I obey and move to stand behind him, suppressing the urge to throw myself into his arms. "Turn," Damien commands, and Jian turns to face him, hands still up in the air. Damien presses the gun to his forehead.

“How the fuck did you get in here?” Jian hisses.

“It wasn’t so hard. Once I took out your chums guarding the joint, it was pretty easy. You should have been a little pickier with who you chose to protect your fortress, Lorenzi. A big ole place like this has many several spots sneaky fuckers like me can creep in from, and well, here I am.”

“Taking back what you so crudely decided to steal from me. No one dares touch what is mine, and Ezra is mine.” Damien growls coldly. “You said you’ll make my wife come, is that right?” I jump when I hear the gun go off, and Jian screams, his hands moving to his groin before he hits his knees. I clamp my hand over my mouth when I see blood seeping through his fingers. Damien just shot him in his manhood.

“You son of a bitch!” Jian screams. I can see the agony on his face, hear it in his voice, and my insides clench. That must hurt.

“Ahh, it’s okay. You won’t be needing that where you’re going, pal.” Damien pulls back the barrel, presses the gun to his forehead, and shoots him between the eyebrows. I turn away, not having the stomach to watch when his brains splattered over the wall behind him. I hear his body hit the floor with a dull thud and gasp when I see the young girl… Natalia walks in, gun in her hand.

“Damien.” I fretfully grasp his bicep, and he turns to look at me, his eyes narrow when he looks at Natalia.

“It’s okay, baby,” Damien assures me, and soon after, I see Haylee and Jax join her. Each was looking as beaten up as the other. “Ezra, meet my baby sister, Aria.”

I gape up at him and look back and forth between them. “Your s-sister? Natalia, is your sister?”