Page 87 of Cuffed By Love

Samantha beams, “You’ve got yourself a deal.” An anxious breath leaves my body, and I feel my shoulders visibly relax as we stand, exchange handshakes, and our assistants escort her out of the conference room.

Devin turns to look at me, “Looks like we did it, Tinks.”

I nod and meet his waiting gaze. “It seems so.” I should be ecstatic, we’re finally getting these handcuffs off, but for some reason, neither of our smiles quite reflected that exultation.

While we make our way to give my father the good news, we couldn’t stop sniggering. “That was the weirdest presentation I have ever given in my entire life. I’m sure there’s a couple of screws loose in that woman's head.” Devin chuckles humorously, rubbing the back of his neck.

“In all fairness, I think most writers are the tiniest bit unhinged. They must be in order to delve so deep and write with such detail and give a story life. It’s quite admirable.” I express amiably and knock on my dad's office door.

“There's a little unhinged, and then there’s whatever that was. She went from zero to fruitcake in five seconds flat. And what was that laugh?” I burst into peals of laughter just as my dad calls for us to enter.

“Ahh, if it isn’t the dynamic duo. Come on in, kids.” My dad beams, watching amusedly while we recover from our hysterics. “Now that’s what I like to see. Come with good news?” He questions, looking between us curiously and leaning forward in his chair.

“Yes, dad, Samantha Wickham has agreed to sign on with us.” I declare, and my dad slaps his hands together animatedly.

“That’s excellent news! I knew you two could do it.” He asserts enthusiastically and rises from his chair to walk over to us. “When the two of you put your mind to it, there isn’t a star you can’t reach.” He utters, taking my face into his hands and pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’m so proud of you, Mimi.”

“While I would love to take and bask in all the credit, Devin did help a little.” I tease, shoulder bumping him, and he shakes his head with an overdramatised roll of his eyes.

“I carried you, Tinks, don’t get it twisted.” He counters with an ample grin.

It was my turn to roll my eyes, “Do I need to squash that ego of yours again, King?” Devin laughs and pokes me playfully.

“You’ll have to try to reach it first, Shortcake!” He croons and ruffles up my hair. I shove him, and he cackles roguishly.

Sexy bastard.

“All right, kids, simmer down. You both did a great job equally as a team. I’m proud of you both, not just for persuading Samantha to join us but for sticking through this little trial and proving to not just me but to yourselves that you’re both stronger collectively. It’s really nice to see the old Dev and Tinks dynamic resurface.” I look over at Devin and find him watching me. Those pillow lips curl into a telling smile. One that has ‘I told you so’ written all over it, and my hand itched just to smack that look right off his smug face.

“And as promised…” Dad pulls out the key from out of nowhere and proceeds to unlock the handcuffs. “You’ve earned your freedom. Go and enjoy it. It’s been a hell of four days.”

“You can say that again,” I utter, rubbing my wrist.

“I’m just thankful my balls and I got away unscathed.” Devin grins, his eyes crinkling with amusement as we turn to walk out of my dad's office. “Well, almost.”

I pin him with a deadpan glare, “Aww, the threat still stands. I’d keep my eyes open at all times if I were you. If you keep winding me up, I may still castrate you.” I warn and push him with my shoulder.

Devin pushes me back. “Don’t hold back, won’t you.”

“Bite me.”

“I will, and you’ll love it.” Devin laughs when I shove him through the door. “I need to take a dump. Want to keep me company?”

I grimace and shudder, “Fuck off!” I veer away toward my own office, and he goes toward his own. “Molly!” Molly flies out of her chair and falls into step with me. I told myself not to, but I couldn’t help myself. I look back at Devin, and at the same time, he turns and looks back at me.

I fall into my chair in my office and look down at my wrist that was bound to him moments ago. Ah shucks, I’ve only gone and grown fond of the idiot.

The vibration of my phone pulls me from my thoughts. I see a message from Levi and unlock my phone to read it.


‘Are you free, little bird?

Please say yes, because I’m bursting to see you.’


‘I’m free. We’re good for tonight.’