Page 84 of Cuffed By Love

“What are you raging about, Devin?”

“If you bothered to stick around yesterday, maybe I would have spoken to you about it.”

“You barely said two words to me when I came to check up on you! I thought you fought with your girlfriend or something, and you were pissed off about that. I didn’t think you wanted me around, so I thought I’d give you some time to cool off, so I left.” Mira explains, her eyes searching mine.

“I was in a sour mood, but it had nothing to do with Megan. I felt like a prick for being so cold toward you because you didn’t deserve it, so I came looking for you to apologise, but you were gone.”

Mira shrugs, “So, why are you still pissed then? You’re upset that I went home or what?”

I shake my head slowly, “No, I’m not upset you went home.”

“Then what?” Mira demands, throwing her hands up impatiently. I veer my gaze and sit back in my seat. With no way to kerb my aggravation, I rub my jaw to stop myself from ploughing my fist through the glass. “Devin?”

“Leave it, Mira.”

“Leave what?!”

“It doesn’t matter!”

“You know what, Devin, screw you,” Mira utters acidly. Opening the door, she jumps out of the car before she slams it shut behind her.

“I’m sure my brother is doing enough of that for the both of us,” I growl through gritted teeth while I watch her storm off up the street. “Fuck!” I punch the steering wheel furiously a couple of times. I open the door and jump out of the car. As if I’m going to fucking leave her on the side of the road. I storm off after her, easily catching up. With her short legs and six-inch heels, she wasn’t going anywhere in a hurry. “Mira, get back in the car.”

“Get lost.” She fumes, picking up her pace.

“Mira, I’m not going to chase you down the fucking street. Get back into the car.” I grasp her arm, but she yanks it out of my hold and proceeds to walk off.

“Who’s asking you too?! I’ll make my own way to work.” I roll my eyes and fall into step with her again.

“And how are you going to explain that to your Dad? We’re supposed to be handcuffed, remember?!”

Mira spins around to face me. Her eyes narrowed to slits. “Do I look like I give a flying rats arse about what my dad thinks right now? I don’t care about the fucking handcuffs, all right!” She yells furiously, “I’m sick to death of all this bullshit. I don’t care about the director's position. I don’t care about my dad's plans for me. I don’t fucking care, Devin! I’m out. I’m done.” Mira exclaims with a shake of her head and turns to cross the street. I don’t know how I saw that car coming with my back turned to it, but it was almost like time had slowed to a snail's pace.

I hear the car zooming toward us before I see it, and my instincts take over. “Mira!” I shout, reaching over; I wrap my hand around her wrist and yank her toward me. She yelps and falls into my arms just as the car speeds past, narrowly missing her. The bastard doesn’t even slow down, almost like he was fucking gunning for her.

“Mira, hey, hey, look at me. You okay?” I ask in a frenzy, looking her over while I brush her hair out of her face. Mira opens her eyes and looks up at me, visibly shaken and barely nods in response.

“I think so.” She whispers, trying to stand but wobbles unsteadily on her feet. Her beautiful face went white, and her eyes were distant. I’m worried she might actually pass out on me at any given moment, so I sweep her into my arms and carry her back to the car. Fucking hell, she could have been killed. If I didn’t react as quickly as I did, she would be dead right now; at the speed that car was heading toward us, there’s no way she would have survived.

One fleeting moment and I would have lost her indefinitely. That thought frightened the shit out of me. Mira lays her head on my shoulder while I carry her to the car. I can feel her petite body shaking in my arms. Once we reach the car, I set her down on top of the hood and look her over to make sure she isn’t hurt.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Does anything hurt?” I ask, taking her face into my hands, my eyes sweep across her face, and she looks at me with wide dazed eyes.

“Y-You saved me.” Mira breathes, her probing gaze on mine. “You saved my life.”

I frown, “Of course I did, Tinks. What did you expect me to do, just standby and watch you get killed?” Mira opens her mouth to say something but abruptly stops. Her eyes fall to my chest, and before I can see what she’s looking at, she reaches up, and her fingertips skim down my neck, sending my nerves into a heated frenzy. I follow her gaze and gulp when I realise she’s holding the key pendant on my necklace. Fuck, I meant to take that off and put it back in my wallet

I observe her closely while she stares at it stock-still between her fingers. I wish I could read her mind right now. I’d give anything to know what she’s thinking. Mira’s eyes snap up to mine, and a moment of amity passes through us, and I’m sure we’re thinking the exact same thing.

I don’t know if it was the reality of her almost being killed or something to do with the necklace, or maybe both but Mira’s soft lips crashing down on mine was not what I was expecting at all.