Page 83 of Cuffed By Love

“Be warned. She’s a real sour puss this morning.”

That makes two of us. I’m dreading this day already. “Is she in her room?” Ayla nods and gestures for me to go up. I make my way up to her bedroom. I pause at her door and stare at it for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts and pick my face up off the floor before I knock.

“Come in.” As I open the door, the smell of her surrounds me, and I almost turn and walk right out again when it hit me like a gut punch. Mira turns and looks at me while she fumbles with the zipper to the black dress she’s wearing. “Hey.”


“I’ll be ready in just a minute.” She informs me and goes back to trying to reach her zipper. I walk over to her, and she stills and watches me through the mirror. I lift my hand and brush her hair over her shoulder so I could see the zipper. I keep my eyes on hers while I slowly fasten it, and she doesn’t look away either. I should move away once the dress is done up, but I don’t. I can’t. I’m sucked into a trance, captivated by her once again. She’s so goddamn beautiful it hurts.

There's a deep sadness concealed in her eyes, mirroring my own. I let my hands fall away and step away from her as she turns to face me. “Thank you.”

“Ready to go?” Mira blinks and nods, lowering her gaze fleetingly. I almost suck in a breath when I feel her fingers brush over mine. I observe her closely while she lifts my hand and looks at the cut I got yesterday.

“How’s your hand?” She probes thoughtfully. I press my molars together until my jaw aches and nod, not daring to look her in the eyes in fear she’ll unravel me again.

“Fine.” I pull my hand out of hers and turn to walk out of the bedroom, leaving her watching my retreating back in perplexity. “I’ll be in the car.” I throw over my shoulder and hurry out of the house as fast as I would allow without looking like someone had lit a fire up my backside.

Not even five minutes later, Mira comes out. I slide my shades on and pretend to scroll through my phone till she gets in and buckles her seatbelt. I drop my phone on the side and pull away from her house. Mira keeps glancing over at me, looking like she wants to say something but thinks better of it and turns to look out the window again. Since I’ve been back, this is the first time, and the longest things have felt so awkward and strained between us.

Mira lets out a frustrated sigh and shifts in her seat to look at me. “Dev, what’s going on?”

“Nothing,” I answer curtly, my fingers gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. I keep my eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead.

“Nothing? Why are you being so cold and distant all of a sudden?” Mira questions, her brows furrowing while she waits impatiently for an answer.

“How would you like me to be?”

“Don’t answer my question with a question, Devin. What’s going on? Have I unknowingly done something to upset you?” Mira grouses heatedly. I sense the agitation in her growing the longer I avoid giving her the answers she’s seeking.

“I don’t know, Mira, have you?”

Mira blanches at my response and shakes her head in bewilderment. “I don’t know! You’ve been in a mood with me since yesterday. It’s obvious you’re upset about something. It’s just not obvious what.”

“I’m fine, Mira.”

“Stop the car.” Mira snaps, unbuckling her seatbelt. I scowl at her, and she glares back at me, her eyes ablaze.


“Are you deaf? Pull over!” I bite the inside of my cheek and continue driving.

“I’m not pulling over and watch your fucking tone when you speak to me.” I snarl back stormily.

“Watch my tone? Have you heard yours the last two days, Dev? If you’ve got a problem which clearly you do, tell me so that we can talk about it. Quit acting like a brooding twat or stop the car so I can get the fuck out because I refuse to spend another second with a man whose face resembles a slapped arse.” Mira asserts irately, and I chuckle angrily.

“That’s rich coming from you. You’re sitting there complaining about two days when I’ve been putting up with your shitty mood swings and frosty attitude since I’ve been back, Mira.” I retort and turn my attention back to the road. “Put your damn seatbelt on.”

“My animosity toward you was justified, and you fucking know it.”

“Was it?!”

“Yes, it fucking was! I was always willing to be amicable with you, Devin, but you persistently pissed me off and loved every second of doing it. What, now you’re complaining about it? You didn’t seem too bothered about it then, so why are you all up in arms now?” Mira questions furiously, her brows jumping up to her hairline.

“Newsflash Mira, other people are allowed to have bad days too. It’s not always about you!” I fume, staring at the road.

“Isn’t it?! Why won’t you look at me then, Dev?”

Oh, fuck this, I check the mirrors and pull over on the side of the road and turn to face her. “You want me to look at you, Mira. I’m looking at you! What?” I growl vehemently and instantly regret it. The fire in her eyes when they lock with mine causes the rage inside me to magnify.