Devin looks down into my upturned face and grins, "Okay, fine, I like dirty dancing." He admits and delicately tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Nobody puts Baby in the corner."
I smile and ignore the pull of nerves in my stomach. There he goes again, staring into my eyes like he's trying to see into my soul. "You look beautiful tonight, Tinks."
And there I go melting. Thank heavens it's dark, and he can't see the blush forming on my cheeks. There are only two boys that have successfully managed to make me blush uncontrollably. I'm talking red-faced, over-boiled lobster type blushing. And that's the King brothers.
"Thank you. You're not so bad on the eyes either, I suppose." I tease with a smile, and he chuckles.
"Even in this ridiculous outfit?" Devin questions as we walk side by side through the car park. "I look like I've stepped out of an episode of Towie."
I throw my head back and laugh, "Oh my god, you do. I'm so glad you said it because I couldn't stop thinking about it."
Devin rolls his eyes good naturedly. "Some friend you are." He utters, looking around curiously, "What is this place?"
"It's an open-air mic night." I take his hand and pull him toward the blankets and cushions laid out on the floor. "Wyatt brought me here years ago when he was dating some guy, and he performed here. These people come here to share their love and passion for their music with anyone that wants to listen just so they can have someplace to play, hoping they might get discovered." I explain, and Devin looks down at me, a look of surprise on his face. This place is a hidden gem. It's a privately owned park. Music lovers come to have some drinks, eat some food and listen to the talented artists perform. It's not overly crowded, just a place to mellow out. Twinkling lights in the trees light up the area the artists perform, a firepit in the middle, and people sitting around on blankets and floor cushions. "When things get a little too much, I find myself here."
"Have you ever performed here?" Devin questions as we settle on the blanket.
I force a smile on my face and shake my head a little, "No, it's been a while since I've sung or even touched a piano."
Devin frowns and shifts so he can face me properly. "Why? You used to love to sing."
I glance around at the other couples cosying up together while they wait for the next artist to perform. I sigh deeply and shrug, lowering my gaze to my hands resting in my lap. "I stopped chasing that dream a long time ago."
Devin reaches over and lifts my gaze so I could look at him, "It's never too late to chase after your dreams, Tinks. If it's truly what you want and it makes you happy, why would you ever give that up?"
"Look around you Dev, all these people here have been chasing that same dream for years, hoping and praying to catch their break and make their dream a reality. The sad fact is only a small fraction are lucky enough to ever make it. I've had my share of disappointment and don't need to be adding to it. Besides, even if I did try, you heard Ayla, my dad needs me. My future has already been mapped out for me, and it's Evans and King."
"Mira, you don't have to step into the role of a director if it's not what you want. Uncle Noah will understand. I'm sure your happiness means more to him than the company."
I bite my lip and pull his hand away from where he was stroking my jaw. "The company both our fathers worked their arses off to build, you mean? They both worked themselves to the bone, day and night, to provide a better life for us, Dev, so we could have the luxuries we have today that they never did. It would be selfish of me to throw it all back in his face. I can't do that to him." I explain, looking anywhere but at him. Devin's eyes remain on me. I can feel his gaze penetrating a hole on the side of my head.
Devin looks as though he's about to say something but thinks better of it when a couple steps up on the makeshift stage with guitars and take a seat on the stools.
We sat side by side, listening to them sing a beautiful cover duet of Lewis Capaldi's 'Someone You Loved'. I pull my knees to my chest and look over at Dev while he observes them singing the lyrics to one another. "Lads, get your beautiful ladies up to dance for this next one." The male singer says before he starts strumming away on his guitar. Couples stand up around us and start swaying together to his cover of 'Wicked Game.'
Devin turns to look at me and holds his hand out, eyes glittering under the shimmering lights. "Dance with me?" I stare at his hand for a beat before I take it, and he pulls me up to my feet. Devin smiles handsomely as he draws me up against him, his strong arm winds around my waist while I circle my free arm around his neck. Devin's fingers lace mine with the hand handcuffed to mine and lifts it, placing it against his chest between us, and we start to sway together.
Why does my heart beat like it wants to rip right out of my chest whenever I'm close to this boy. For one fleeting moment, I allow myself to forget all the obstacles, the heartache, the doubts, the very fact that he belongs to another and just soak up this moment with him. I wish I could tell what he's thinking.
His soulful brown eyes gazing piercingly into mine leaves me wondering if I'm having the same effect on him as he is on me. Was his heart racing uncontrollably like mine? Did his throat suddenly feel dry and tight too? My eyes close on their own accord when his fingers skim over my cheek just as he leans in close and whispers, "I'm becoming alarmingly addicted to your scent." My head tilts to the side when he lazily trails his nose along the side of my neck. "Why must you smell so damn good, Mira." The ground under my feet suddenly feels unstable when my head whirls with desire.
The way those words just roll off his tongue, such a simple motion, only the ramifications had every nerve in my body sizzling and crackling. How was I supposed to respond to that in any other way but the breathy moan that escapes me?
I don't think there was a need for me to utter a single word, not when my actions were speaking volumes, providing him with exactly what he needs to continue touching me in that not so friendly way that he is.
What we're doing is wrong. It's forbidden; he belongs to someone else. Goddamn it, why doesn't it feel wrong? I can feel those sinful lips getting closer to mine, and I'm doing nothing to stop them; if anything, I'm inviting them in by wetting my own.
We came close earlier, but he managed to stop himself before we crossed that line. However, this time, I see nothing but the burning need to taste me as I do him radiating in his gaze whilst he stares insatiably at my mouth.
My heart leaps up into my throat when his arm that is wound around my waist slides up, and his fingers curl at the nape of my neck. He's going to do it. I close my eyes, and still, a tremor of nerves surges through me at lightning speed when I feel his lips tenderly brush over mine with the slightest pressure.
Our lips only just touch when a loud screeching of a mic causes us to jump apart. "Sorry folks, we're having some technical issues with the mics. We'll be back in five," The artist on the stage says remorsefully. Devin and I share a telling look, one full of disappointment before we take a step back from one another.
"Let's get some food. You're still hungry, right?" I ask, attempting to squash the awkwardness lingering between us yet again. Devin shoves a hand through his hair and nods as he draws his bottom lip between his teeth.
"Starving." He replies with emphasis, looking into my eyes keenly while rubbing a hand over his chiselled jaw. I can tell you now for nothing and bet my life that what he's starving for is not food.
Whilst we walk idly side by side toward the food cart, it hit me that I'm spending the night with him at his place…just the two of us…with no chance of interruptions.