Page 36 of Cuffed By Love

Was I good? Was this boy actually being serious? No, I wasn’t good. I wasn’t good at all. I can feel my cheeks flame under his warm gaze, and all I want to do is reach up and run my hands over and down his chest toward those well-defined abs.

I clear my throat and quickly shake off those lewd thoughts running wild in my mind. Oh right, I needed to pee. “Mhm, can you turn around and—”

“Sing?” Devin finishes for me, and I send him a playful glare over my shoulder before I lean over him, my face less than an inch from his chest and turn the tap on full.

“Don’t you dare peek,” I warn him as I straighten, and Devin smiles handsomely. I wait for him to turn his back to me before I tug my skirt up and lower my black lace panties and sit on the toilet to do my business. I silently cheer when it’s not as loud and long as the one I took earlier despite all the wine I consumed.

Wait…the wine! Maybe that’s what got me feeling randy all of a sudden. I am a lightweight when it comes to drinking, so the three glasses of Chenin Blanc I had, could have very well be messing with my inhibitions.

Yeah, let’s go with that.

Once Devin and I relieve ourselves, we finally make it to bed. Devin playfully pokes me while I climb in and shuffle over to the right side of the bed. “Cut it out!” I yelp, lifting my foot to kick him in the stomach, but he grabs hold of my ankle and flashes me a wicked grin. “Don’t you even think about it,” I warn him trying to tug my foot out of his hold, but he only tightens his grip around it.

Devin chortles, “Think about what, Tinks?”

“You know what.”

I narrow my eyes at him daringly while he continues to grin back at me, his eyes glimmering with mischief. “Are you still ticklish?”

“Yes.” I groan with a giggle drawing my leg back instinctively when he brushes his finger down the length of my foot. “Devin, let go of my foot, or your arse is sleeping on the floor.”

“Say please.”

I scowl up at him. “What are you five?” I lean up and hit him with my pillow using my free hand, and he drops my foot and yanks the pillow off me and tosses it aside.

Devin gasps, his eyes enlarging, “How dare you. I’m six, actually.” He retorts impishly while climbing up on the bed, donning a smug grin.

I couldn’t contain my smile. I want to kill him, I do, but my God, he’s adorable.

Unlike Devin, I kept my clothes on. Nevertheless, I regretted that decision more and more at every passing second because I couldn’t move or get comfortable in the pencil skirt I was wearing.

I curse my Dad for putting me in this absurd situation. What on earth is he thinking? I sigh heavily for the millionth time, unable to silence my brain long enough to get to sleep. Devin and I were lying side by side on our backs, staring up at the ceiling, not a trace of sleep in sight. I’m vaguely aware of how close his hand is to mine, and it’s making my stomach do that weird fluttery thing it used to do whenever I was around him.

“Well, this is awkward,” Devin utters suddenly, almost as if he read my mind. I laugh a little and feel him shift probably to turn and face me—not that he could see anything in the pitch-black darkness of my room. “Do you know what I was thinking about the other day?”

I turn my head to the side so I could face him— again couldn’t see a damn thing, and a part of me hated that while the other was partially relieved. “Last time I checked, I wasn’t telepathic, so no?”

Devin chuckles, and the deep melodic sound of his laugh warms me a little. The bed shakes when he rolls onto his side. “I don’t know about telepathic Tinks, but you were always pretty good at reading my mind.”

As was he at reading mine. That’s what made our friendship so special. We were always so in tune with one another growing up. We went together like peanut butter and jam. I close my eyes when I feel that all too familiar clench of my heart. “So were you.” I declare quietly and roll over onto my side, so we were facing one another. I couldn’t even make out his silhouette to tell how close or far apart we were. “What were you thinking about then?”

Devin heaves a sigh, and I hear the clinking of the handcuffs when he moves his hand. “That Halloween party we threw at Logan’s when his parents were out of town.” I couldn’t see him, but I could hear the mirth in his voice as he recalls the night I got drunk off my arse on alcopops.

“Oh God, don’t remind me. I haven’t been able to look at a bottle of WKD without heaving since.” I admit with a shudder, and Devin laughs. This was back when we were fourteen and thought it was a wise idea to throw a secret bash at Logan’s parent’s place, and I got tipsy from four bottles of alcopop. They tasted more like soda than alcohol, so I’d been knocking them back, and before I knew it, I was off my head and dancing on the pool table in my wonder woman costume.

“And I haven’t been able to look at a wonder woman costume without picturing you shaking your bum to sir-mix-a-lots baby got back.” He chuckles, and I feel my cheeks burn with embarrassment.

“Stop laughing. It’s not funny, you little weasel.” I chide, mortified, trying to shuffle away when he squeezes my sides playfully.

“My anaconda don’t want none unless you got buns, hun.” Devin sings, laughing whilst he continues to poke my sides.

“Shut up.” I bat his hands away, grinning and turning a deep shade of red. “I successfully managed to bury that memory in the deepest, darkest corner of my brain for the past decade, and you…” I slap his shoulder. He chuckles, grasping hold of my hand that was cuffed to his. “…just needlessly drag it back up as if I wasn’t mortified enough.”

“What are you mortified about? It was the best Halloween party ever. Sure, you got wasted on practically juice, and I had to take care of you most of the night, but as I recall, we all had a fantastic time.”

I smile at the fond memories, “It was a good night. Aside from me making an absolute clown of myself on that pool table.”

Devin’s fingers brush against mine, “I promise you, Tinks, you absolutely did not make a clown of yourself. If anything, you were the life of that party.” He states with an amused chuckle, and I sigh inwardly, knowing full well he’s just trying to make me feel better.