What am I supposed to say to him? He should know why I’m angry with him. He can’t be that senseless surely—unless that night didn’t mean as much to him as it did to me? Oh fuck, I can’t let myself deliberate this anymore. I’ve spent years going through every scenario in my head to make sense of why he would leave without saying a word, and each one hurt me deeper than the last. Did I want to ask him? Yes, of course I did. I was burning to ask him, but my pride won’t let me. I’ve been through hell over the last two years because of my ex and only just got myself back together again. Just thinking about that arsehole stirs something in me, so I shove that back in the box deep in my mind where it belongs.
“You keep bringing it up, expecting a different answer, but there is nothing to talk about, Devin. Unless you have something that you would like to say?” I question, looking up at him expectantly, and his eyes rake over my face silently before he sighs and shakes his head. “I didn’t think so. It’s been a long day, I’m hungry, I’m tired, and if I don’t eat something soon, I’ll—”
“—Get cranky.” Devin finishes for me, and I stare up at him, surprised. “I know. You keep saying how much you’ve changed Tinks, but I still see the girl I grew up with, my best friend.”
I feel my stomach tighten, and my eyes glide over to Wyatt, who is stood behind Devin. He gives me a reassuring smile. I avert my gaze to look at Devin again and make damn sure to keep my voice deadpan. “You couldn’t be more wrong,” I reply earnestly. Devin frowns, watching me turn and walk toward the stairs, tugging him along with me. Dev turns his head, brows fused together, and looks questioningly at Wyatt as we disappear upstairs toward my bedroom.
I sigh as we enter my bedroom, and Devin smiles, taking in the grey décor of my bedroom. “Wow, your taste sure has improved with age, Tinks. Not a single Tinkerbell poster or toy in sight. Colour me impressed.” He grins charmingly when I send him a scathing look. My bedroom is decorated in modern and light tones of grey and silver, soft fluffy grey carpet, silver/grey metallic wallpaper finished off with a custom-made crystal ring chandelier hanging above my bed. I like my space and fell in love with the size of the bedrooms instantly. It was large enough to have a walk-in closet and an en-suite shower. The other bedrooms aren’t as big as mine, and they didn’t have an en-suite, but both have walk-in closets.
“Says the one who was obsessed with spiderman till he was fifteen.” I retort cheekily, and Devin smiles back at me handsomely, looking down into my upturned face.
“Hey, I’m proud of my Spiderman collection. Peter Parker was and forever will be much cooler than your precious little Tinkerbell.”
I roll my eyes, “I’m not doing this with you again.”
“’Cause you know you will lose…again.” Devin laughs when I smack his arm. “Ow, you know it’s true, Tinks. That’s why you always got so defensive and still do by the looks of it.”
I close my eyes and sigh, pushing away the strong urge to punch him right in the nutsack. “I don’t know how I put up with you for all those years. I really don’t.” I complain, rubbing my temple tiredly. I was starting to get a headache from lack of food and drink throughout the day. I can’t starve myself in fear of going to the toilet in front of him. Who’s to say how long we’ll be stuck together. Maybe I should call my mother, she can talk some sense into my Dad.
“Why don’t you just admit that you love me?” I groan when he squeezes my cheek, and I slap his hand away for the umpteenth time today.
“Why don’t you kiss my arse?” I throw back hotly, and he grins, wagging his dark brows at me wickedly.
“Whip it out then.” I lift my hand to hit him again, and he backs up, his hands in the air laughing.
“Whoa, whoa, I’m joking, Tinks.”
“You’re insufferable.”
“And yet you still adore me,” Devin reaches up, and light-heartedly swats my hand away while I continue to glower at him unamused.
I lift my eyes heavenward. “God, please give me strength.” I complain and suddenly frown when it hits me that I’m going to have to share a bed with this idiot. I pivot and stare at the bed wide-eyed. Oh no! That thought didn’t even occur to me until right now. What if something happens? No, nothing will happen. It won’t, we’re two grown, mature-ish adults.
Devin leans over and looks at my startled face gaping motionlessly at the bed. His bemused gaze glides over to the bed, then back at me. I’m going to have to sleep in the same bed as Devin-fucking-King. When I said that this day couldn’t possibly get any worse…I was wrong. It just did—it got worse.