“Give me the phone!” I crawl over him to reach my phone, but Wyatt lifts it over his head. Devin laughs, shaking his head.
“Baby, I’ll text you the details for your flight.” Devin yawns. “I’ve got an early morning, so I’m going to get some sleep. I can’t wait to see you. I love you.” I freeze when I hear those three words, and so does he. His eyes grow wide. I grab the phone from Wyatt, who is trapped under me.
“What did you just say?” I whisper, staring at him, stunned. Devin looks just as shell-shocked. “Did you just…say you love me?”
“No.” he shakes his head.
“He did; I totally heard him.” Wyatt’s muffled voice comes from somewhere under me. I slap his head, and he grunts. “Ow.”
“Devin?” I press, and he sighs in defeat and smiles.
“Maybe?” I couldn’t contain my smile. He rolls his eyes and chuckles, “Yes, I said it.”
“You love me?”
Devin nods, “I do. I really love you. This isn’t how I wanted to say it to you for the first time, but I suppose my heart couldn’t wait.”
I sigh and smile, biting my lip. “I’m pregnant.”
Devin’s smile falls, and he stares at the phone. “What?”
“What?!” Wyatt exclaims, his head popping up. I slap his head again. “Ow!”
“Surprise…” I whisper, wincing a little. Devin doesn’t move, and I wonder if he’s frozen, so I tap the screen. “Dev…Dev? Have I lost you?”
“Yeah, you’ve lost him. I practically saw the poor man's soul leave his body just then.” I sit up, and Wyatt looks at me, stunned. “You’re pregnant? Why the hell didn’t you tell me?”
“Wyatt, I’m kind of in the middle of telling the father of the child. Give me a minute.” I tell him, pointing to the phone where Devin was stock-still. “Dev now would be a great time to say something.”
“You’re pregnant, and this is how you choose to tell me?” Devin questions, his dark brows drawing together.
“I didn’t mean to. It just came out like word vomit. I was going to tell you when I got there, but when I heard you say you love me, it just fell out before I could catch it…kind of like your I love you.” I try to justify, but Devin only stares at me, horrified.
“How did you…when did you…”
I sigh, “Are you seriously asking me how I got pregnant? Because I don’t remember us using any protection, do you?”
Devin blinks, “You said you were on the pill.”
I rub my forehead. “I was, but they’re not always a hundred percent effective, and apparently, my anxiety medication can make them ineffective. Go figure.”
Devin looks at me like I had grown a second head. “And your doctor didn’t think to maybe mention that when it was prescribed to you?” He grouses. I get up off the bed and start pacing.
“She may have mentioned it at the time, but I wasn’t sleeping with anyone, so it didn’t matter, and when I did, I used protection. Except with you.” Devin rubs his temples.
“Mira, for God’s sake, when someone tells you they love you, they expect to hear I love you too, not I’m pregnant!” Devin sputters, his eyes all wide and wild. “Do you even love me?”
“Of course I love you!”
Devin smiles, his annoyance almost immediately diminishing. “You do?”
I smile adoringly and nod, “Yeah, I do.”
Devin shakes his head as if suddenly remembering he’s angry with me. “Even so, you don’t just blurt out that your pregnant over FaceTime before a man is supposed to go to sleep. How am I supposed to sleep now?” Devin grumbles, raking his fingers through his hair. “Pregnant. Holy shit.”
“Devin, why don’t we just talk about this when I get there, okay? I was overwhelmed too when I found out, so take some time to process, and we’ll talk.” Devin nods and exhales, sinking to sit on his bed.
“When did you find out?”
“At the hospital after everything that happened with Scott. The doctors asked if I was pregnant before they took an MRI for my ribs. I realised I hadn’t seen my period, so they did a test, and it came back positive.” I reach over my draw, open up my copy of pride and prejudice and take out the ultrasound of the baby and flip the camera so he could see. “I’m just over a month along.”
Devin stares at the ultrasound and covers his mouth with his hand. “Did the doctors check properly after what happened that no harm was done to the baby?”
I lick my lips; the fact that he even asked that question, given his state of shock, made my heart glow with such devotion. Had he been beside me, I would have kissed the air right out of his lungs. “They did; they checked everything. Our baby is absolutely fine.”
Devin looks at me and bites his lip, “Our baby.”