Page 12 of Cuffed By Love

I cross my arms over my chest and glare at the back of her head. “You should get here earlier then, as I mentioned before, Tinks.” Mira looks at me sharply, and I raise my brows haughtily in return.

“It’s my parking spot, you doofus!” Mira complains and turns her fiery gaze to her father again, “I can’t work him!”

Uncle Noah looks between us, his dark brows drawn together, his soft brown eyes darting between his daughter and myself while we continue to bicker back and forth. “Enough. Both of you. I’ve been patiently waiting for you to work through your issues and hoped you would have solved them by now, but alas, it seems I’ve been wasting my time, so I’m taking control of this little situation.”

“What situation?” Mira and I say in unison and look over at each other.

Uncle Noah smiles and steps closer to us both. “We’re going to do a little exercise. I want you both to close your eyes and stretch both your arms out in front of you.” He directs and waits for us to follow his instructions. Mira and I both hesitate but eventually close our eyes and stretch out both our arms out in front of us. Everything around us goes quiet for a good thirty seconds until I feel something cold around my wrist and the distinct sound of clicking and the clinking of metal. My eyes open, and so does Mira’s. We look at our wrists and the handcuff that’s binding us together.

“What the hell?” Mira utters, lifting her arm and staring at the cuffs and then at her father and sister standing before us, looking rather pleased with themselves. I frown, looking at the handcuffs closely to see if there’s a latch to free us but find nothing.

“What is this? Why did you cuff us together?” I question, perplexed, and Uncle Noah smiles knowingly.

“Well, firstly, I am sick to death of listening to you both argue and bicker instead of trying to work. Secondly, as CEO and Vice President of this company, you both have to work closely together, which I don’t see happening the way you’ve been going at it the last few days. So, Ayla and I came up with this idea. You will stay handcuffed until you can both prove to me that you can work together professionally without fighting.”

Mira gapes at her father and sister. Her eyes were almost bulging out of her skull. “Daddy, come on, this is ridiculous! How do you expect us to work like this?” She complains, lifting her arm in the air and forcing mine up with it. “We’ll stop fighting, right?” She turns her gaze to me and looks at me expectantly.

I chuckle, “I hate to admit it, but she’s right. This is ridiculous and unnecessary.”

“Thank you!” Mira exclaims. “See, we’re getting along already.” Uncle Noah holds his hand up to silence us.

“No, what’s ridiculous is the way you’ve both been acting this past week.”


“Enough, Mimi. You’ll stay cuffed together for as long as it takes for you two to get reacquainted and sort out your issues. I have the key, and until I see some form of progression, those cuffs will remain locked.”

“But—” Mira protests but stops when her dad gives her a firm look.

“Not one word, Mimi.”

Mira’s shulders fall in defeat and we look at one another when Ayla and Uncle Noah turn and walk out of the office.

Cuffed with Tinks…this ought to be interesting.