“Next time you’re over, I’ll make that ravioli you love.” My mother tells her after they pull apart from the hug, she brushes Mira’s hair away from her pretty face.
“I would love that.”
“Go on, shoo, I’m sure you kids have better things to do. Go enjoy your weekend.” My mum ushers us off toward the door. I kiss her, and she smiles up at me lovingly.
“Call if you need anything, okay?” My mother nods and rubs my back. I follow Mira toward the car. She keeps her eyes cast down. I know it hit her hard seeing my dad like that. He’s a shadow of the man he used to be. He’s getting thinner every time I see him, and he’s starting to lose his hair. It fucking kills me to see him like this but what hurt more was the look on Mira’s face when she saw him. I was sure she would burst into tears, but she held it together pretty well, considering.
As soon as the front door closes, it's like a dam breaks inside of Mira; she clamps a hand over her mouth and chokes on a sob. I pull her into me and hold her tight while she weeps into my chest. “Oh God, I’m sorry, I just didn’t expect to see him like that.” She whimpers, and her body shakes in my arms with every hiccupping sob that escapes her.
“Hey, come on, shhh. He looks worse than he is, I promise.” I assure her while brushing my fingers through her silken strands. I continue to hold her till her sobs ebb away, and Mira pulls back and peers up at me, tears streaming down her beautiful face.
“I’m so sorry. It’s just seeing him so weak…it just made it all so real, you know?” She cries forlornly. I cup her face in my hands and brush her tears away with my thumbs.
“Hey, don’t you ever be sorry. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve seen my Dad smile the way he did when he saw you? His whole face lit up, Mira. If anything, I should be thanking you for putting a smile on my old man's face.”
Mira looks up at me with eyes full of sorrow and gratitude. “I should be the one comforting and consoling you.”
I smile, brushing away her tears, “You are. You’re keeping me sane, Tinks. Well, sort of.” Mira laughs a little, and I smile, pressing my forehead to hers.
“He’s going to make it through this, right?” I gaze into those mesmerising eyes of hers and nod.
“You said it yourself Tinks, my dad is a fighter, and he will beat this,” I affirm and lightly drag my nose up the length of hers like I did when we were younger and drop a lingering kiss to her forehead.
When I draw back slowly, Mira’s eyes flutter open, and her gaze locks with mine.
I feel this unfathomable magnetic pull. I couldn’t back away even if I tried. Oh God, this was it. My throat goes dry and I swallow hard trying desperately to ignore the thrashing of my heart as our lips slowly inch closer.