Whoa. What the actual fuck? Is this girl for real?
“What? It’s not about the money, Tinks. Money has never been my primary focus, and it sure as shit isn’t why I started my label.” I argue back fervently, and she sticks me with a dubious look. “It’s just business, and I can’t sign every tom dick and harry off the streets who believe they can sing. We have standards to uphold and a selective clientele we choose to work with.”
“Oh, I see, so what is your motive then, make the already rich richer?” Mira throws back satirically. I roll my eyes and can’t help but laugh out of sheer disbelief at the absurdity of her assertions. This girl sure has a knack for getting under my skin. We exchange glances. She smiles broadly, downright chuffed with herself because she knows she’s fucking one-upped me yet again. “We’re going out tonight.”
Frowning, I look at her before I turn my attention back to the road. “We are?” She nods in response and proceeds to fiddle with the sound system. “There’s someplace I want to take you.”
“All right, but I need you to do something for me too. Actually, two things.”
Mira turns her wary gaze to me and narrows her eyes while she waits for me to continue. “What is it?”
“We’re paying a quick visit to my gym later this afternoon.” I can see she’s about to refuse, so I jump in again. “Before you say no, I work out religiously every day. It keeps me sane. And running isn’t exactly an option at the moment, so we are going to the gym even if I have to carry you there kicking and screaming.”
Mira grimaces and sighs, “You damn well may have to because I’m not going to the gym, and I sure as shit ain't working out. Can’t you wait another day or two? Seriously? You want to work out while we’re handcuffed together?” I smile and shake my head, rolling to a stop at a traffic light. I take the opportunity and reach over and squeeze her face affectionately. “I’m not working out.” She complains with an adorable pout and slaps my hand away from her face.
“You don’t have to work out if you don’t want to, but I need to work out Shortcake. My mental health depends on it.”
Mira observes me silently for a long moment before she nods, “Fine. What's the second thing? You said two things?”
“We’re spending the night at my place tonight,” I say and chuckle when her eyes almost bulge out of her head. Was she that concerned about being alone with me?
“What? Why, why are we?”
“Well, for starters, I’ve not been home in a few days, and there’s a couple of things I need to take care of. Secondly, as grateful as I am to Wyatt, I would prefer to change into a pair of my own clothes, you know.” I explain, and Mira eyeballs me warily.
“Fine, if you’re willing to trot up thirty flights of stairs.” She drawls with a shrug in an attempt to deter me from my decision.
“I don’t have much of a choice now, do I?” I smile when she wrinkles her nose at me and turns her head away to look out of the window. Like fuck I’m going up thirty flights of stairs. Mira Evans will face her fear of elevators today. She just doesn’t know it yet.
* * *
WatchingMira with my parents brought so many old feelings and memories back. They’ve always adored her, treated her like the daughter they never had. Ayla, too, obviously, but Mira’s place in my parent's heart is special. It’s the same for her parents and me. I’m like the son they never had. Ayla, my brother Levi, Mira, and I all grew up together, practically in the same households. Ayla and Levi weren’t as tight as Mira and me. My brother was closer with Mira also, and we were both fiercely protective of her. Well, I still am, and that’s something that will never change.
“Oh sweetheart, look at you. You’ve grown into such a beautiful young woman.” My mother gushes, cupping Mira’s face affectionately. “Hasn’t she, Devin?”
I smile and shake my head, wrinkling my nose. “Nah, she still looks like a little gremlin.”
Mira flushes and playfully slaps my shoulder with an awkward yet adorable laugh. “Shut up. You’re just jealous you’ll never be as pretty as me.”
I laugh out loud, “You’ve got me there,”
My mother giggles at our antics and takes a seat beside my dad, watching us banter back and forth. “My goodness, Greyson, it’s almost as if no time has passed. They’re still so…”
“Attached.” My father finishes for her, and she nods, taking his hand into hers with a sigh. Mira takes a bite of her second white chocolate and raspberry muffin and moans appreciatively. “Aunt Nora, these muffins are just as I remember. Mm, so good, I’d sell my soul for these muffins without an ounce of remorse.”
“Keep eating like that, and you might meet your creator before your time. Slow down, Tinks. You’re going to choke. The muffins not running away.” I reach for the muffin, and she slaps my hand away.
“Back off and let me be fat in peace.” My parents and I laugh while she continues to devour the muffin. “I’ve waited nine years for these babies. Nothing will ruin this moment for me, not even you, King.”
“And you thought I was joking when I said she’s still a little gremlin,” I tell my parents, and they watch on amusedly. “Do you see what I have to put up with on the daily?”
“I’ve got a feeling you don’t mind half as much as you’re making out, son.” My dad interjects and gives me a sly grin. Forever the observant man, my dad. Doesn’t miss a thing. If anyone picked up on my pining for Mira Evans back in the day, it would be him. I keep the smile on my face and nod wordlessly. We spend over an hour at my parent's place so Mira could catch up with them. I notice my dad wince a couple of times, and the colour drains from his face. Due to his medication and chemo, his energy is zapped rather rapidly. He claimed to be fine so that we wouldn’t leave, but I could see how tired and sick he felt.
“We should get going,” I whisper to Mira, and she nods, standing up; I follow her as she walks over to my dad and leans over to drop a sweet kiss on his forehead. I swallow the lump that forms in my throat at the gesture, especially when my dad cups her face in his hand and smiles adoringly up at her.
“Come and see me again soon. Okay, petal?”
Mira nods, and I can see her eyes glisten. “Just try and keep me away.” She replies with a smile. “Get some rest.” The look in my dad's eyes makes my heart quiver. I couldn’t put it into words even if I tried, but I felt it deep in my gut. Mira hugs my mother.